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Which I/O Strategy Should I Use?by Warren Young There are several different conventions for communicating with Winsock, and each method has distinct advantages. The question of the hour is, what are these advantages, and how does someone choose the convention that makes the most sense for their application? The choices are:
Further confusing the issue are threads, because each of the above mechanisms changes in nature when used with threads. In trying to find an answer to the "which I/O strategy" question,
it becomes apparent that there are only a few major kinds of programs,
and the successful ones follow the same patterns. From those patterns
and practical experience The heuristics are ordered in terms of compatibility, then speed, and finally functionality. Compatibility is first, because if a given I/O strategy won't work on the platforms you need to support, it doesn't matter how fast or functional it is. Speed is next because performance requirements are easy to determine, and often important. Functionality is last, because once you decide the compatibility and speed issues, your choices become much more subjective. Note: Aside from the compatibility table in Heuristic 1, this article no longer covers Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.5x issues, as it did in the past. Hopefully we can call these platforms really and truly dead by now. Heuristic 1: Narrow your choices by deciding your compatibility requirements.There are several kinds of I/O strategies mainly because of the large number of platforms involved. Winsock was created as a subset of BSD sockets, and then as new varieties of Windows arrived, Winsock was extended to take advantage of OS features.
Heuristic 2: Avoid non-blocking sockets.Non-blocking sockets are almost never necessary, and a good thing, too: their [lack of] performance makes them a poor architecture choice for Windows programs. When a socket is set as non-blocking, every Winsock call on that socket will return immediately, whether it was able to do anything or not. This is useful because it lets your program do other things while the network is busy. Most programs don't have something to all the time: they're
usually waiting on user input, or the network, or some other slow
thing. For this reason, Winsock provides the About the only time you should use Heuristic 3: Avoid asynchronous sockets in programs that must deal with high volumes of data.Window messages are the slowest way (aside from The spec says Winsock will try posting notification messages until it succeeds. Yet, there are persistent reports of window messages being lost in high-traffic situations. I suspect that these are the result of bad asynch I/O code, because there are several optimizations in Microsoft's asynch I/O implementation that make it intolerant of code that doesn't obey the spec. Who's to say you won't make the same mistake these other programmers are making? On the other hand, there are well-known applications that do handle high volumes of traffic with asynchronous sockets. I assume this is due to very tolerant code, or very well-written code. It probably also helps that these applications are dedicated servers: they mainly sit in the background doing their thing, so they don't have a lot of non-Winsock messages competing for the attention of the program's message loop code. Heuristic 4: For high-performance servers, prefer overlapped I/O.Of all the various I/O strategies, overlapped I/O has the highest performance. (I/O completion ports are even more efficient, but are nonstandard vis-a-vis Winsock proper, so I don't cover them in the FAQ.) With careful use of overlapped I/O (and boatloads of memory in the server!) you can support tens of thousands of connections with a single server. No other I/O strategy comes close to the scalability of overlapped I/O. Heuristic 5: To support a moderate number of connections, consider asynchronous sockets and event objects.If your server only has to support a moderate number of
connections Programmed correctly, asynchronous sockets are a reasonable choice for a dedicated server supporting a moderate number of connections. The main problem with doing this is that many servers don't have a user interface, and thus no message loop. A server without a UI using asynchronous sockets would have to create an invisible window solely to support its asynchronous sockets. If your program already has a user interface, though, asynchronous sockets can be the least painful way to add a network server feature to it. Another reasonable choice for handling a moderate number of connections is event objects. These are very efficient in and of themselves. The main problem you run into with them is that you cannot block on more than 64 event objects at a time. To block on more, you need to create multiple threads, each of which blocks on a subset of the event objects. Before choosing this method, consider that handling 1024 sockets requires 64 threads. Any time you have many more active threads than you have processors in the system, you start causing serious performance problems. Thus, call 1024 sockets a hard practical limit. One caution: it's very easy to underestimate the number of simultaneous connections you will get on a public Internet server. It may make sense to design for massive scalability even if your estimates don't currently predict thousands of simultaneous clients. On the other hand, it's becoming clear that usable-but-weak code today always beats wonderful code next month. Heuristic 6: Low-traffic servers can use most any I/O strategy.For low-traffic servers, there isn't much call to be super-efficient. Some servers just don't have to support very many connections, and if you're deploying on Win9x you're already going to be limited to 100 sockets at a time. Suitable strategies for 1-100 connections are event objects, asynchronous sockets, and threads with blocking sockets. We've covered the first two methods already, so let's consider threads with blocking sockets. This is by far the simplest way to write a server. You just have a main loop that accepts connections and spins each new connection off to its own thread, where it's handled with blocking sockets. Blocking sockets have several advantages. They are efficient, because when a thread blocks, the operating system immediately lets other threads run. Also, synchronous code is more straightforward than equivalent non-synchronous code. The problem is that this method doesn't scale well at all. Recall the discussion of event objects: if the number of active threads outnumbers the number of processors in the system to a great degree, you run into efficiency problems. So, this method is only suitable for a fairly small number of connections, or a moderate number of connections that are mostly idle. Heuristic 7: Do not block inside a user interface thread.This heuristic sounds more like a straightforward rule of Windows programming, but I bring it up because most programs are single-threaded. In a single-threaded GUI program, any time Winsock blocks, buttons can't be pressed, menus won't pull down, scroll bars won't move, keypresses are ignored...your UI freezes. Heuristic 8: For GUI client programs, prefer asynchronous sockets.There are two reasons for this Heuristic:
Heuristic 9: Threads are rarely helpful in client programs.When a programmer first learns about threads, he is eager to try them out in his own programs. He sees that they have several advantages, but he doesn't yet see the drawbacks. Unfortunately for the soon-to-be-educated newbie, these drawbacks can have very significant consequences. One real benefit of threads is that a thread doing I/O on a blocking socket has a linear control flow, and is therefore easier to understand. Asynchronous code is more spread out, so it is harder to write and debug. Another perceived benefit of threads is a kind of encapsulation: a programmer can split a program up into a number of threads, each of which has a single well-defined task. But, this is only valid if each thread is mostly independent from the rest of the program. If not, the threads will have to share data through a common data structure, destroying any potential encapsulation. In the end, the biggest problem with threads is also related to shared data structures: synchronization. This issue is covered better elsewhere, so I won't spend many words on it here. In short, synchronization is hard to get right: poorly-synchronized threads are subject to serialization delays, context switching overhead, deadlocks, race conditions and corrupted data. These are hard problems, and for most programs the benefits are not large enough to make them worth overcoming. A saner alternative is to use asynchronous I/O. This buys you the
synchronization benefits described in the previous Heuristic. You
can even partition the application in a similar manner to threads by
creating an invisible window for each socket. If you have two different
types of sockets, each socket can have its notifications sent to a
different type of window. In straight API terms it means a separate
Heuristic 10: Use threads only when their effect on the rest of the program is easily contained.The previous Heuristic cautions that threads are often very hard to program correctly, but the truth is that they are sometimes very useful. You can make an educated guess about whether threads will improve the program by doing a bit of design work: is there a clean interface between each thread and the rest of the program? If so, synchronization becomes simple. If not, you're going to end up with a mess that crashes and destroys data unpredictably. Examples where threads are viable are:
ConclusionIt is my hope that you find these heuristics helpful. Although you may not agree with each of them, I think that they will at least make you think about your own choices. Design is a highly subjective enterprise, and this list is based mainly on my own thoughts and preferences. Special thanks go to Philippe Jounin for his comments on the 1998 version of this paper. The 2000 version reflects my greater experience, as well as commentary from David Schwartz and Alun Jones, both of whom expanded my ideas of the proper way to build a Winsock server. Copyright © 1998-2000 by Warren Young. All rights reserved. |
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Last modified on 29 April 2000 at 15:52 UTC-7 | Please send corrections to tangent@cyberport.com. |
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