doImport Method

Internet Development Index

Dynamically imports an element behavior.




sUrl Required. String that specifies the URL of the element behavior to import into the namespace.

Return Value

No return value.


Once imported into a namespace by this method, an element behavior can be used on the page where the namespace has been declared.

Using this method alone is not enough to enable a element behavior to function on a Web page; it is also necessary to add a custom element to the body of the primary document, as illustrated in the following code snippet.


The preceding sample shows how a custom element makes use of a custom namespace, which is declared on the XMLNS attribute of the HTML tag.

A script or binary behavior can also be used to insert a custom element. See the examples that follow for an illustration of this technique.


The following example declares a namespace called "TESTNS" and imports the default Microsoft® Internet Explorer behaviors into it.


The following example shows how the doImport method can be used in conjunction with the createElement to insert a custom element to which an element behavior is attached.

<HTML xmlns:myns>
<BODY onload=Load()>
var ns; // holds the newly created namespace object
function Load()
ns = document.namespaces[0];
if(ns.readyState != "complete")
// Wait for the element behaviors to finish downloading
ns.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", addTagnamesToBody);
return true;
function addTagnamesToBody()
if(ns.readyState != "complete") return;
var v = document.createElement("myns:abc");
v.innerText = "ElementBehavior";
ns.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", addTagnamesToBody);

The following code shows the content of the HTML Component (HTC) file,, which simply applies a red background when the ondocumentready event fires.

<public:component tagName=abc >
<public:attach event=ondocumentready onevent=Doc_Ready() />
function Doc_Ready() {
element.document.bgColor = "red";

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this method.

Applies To


See Also

IMPORT, Introduction to Viewlink, About Element Behaviors