CoordSize Attribute

Internet Development Index

Specifies the horizontal and vertical units of the rectangle that bounds a shape. Read/write IVgVector2D.

Applies To


Tag Syntax

<v:element coordsize="expression">

Script Syntax




If not specified, the coordinate size is the same as the bounding box of the shape.

Note that this attribute is a vector and that the units are relative to the length and width of the bounding rectangle.

Also note that mapping between coordsize and the bounding box can be made anisotropic. Make sure that the coordsize width and coordsize height is the same as the style width and height if you don't want to distort the shape.

In scripting, because this is a 2-D vector, you can access the x and y values separately, and can also determine the type of units expected.

VML Standard Attribute


The shape is 100 points high and 100 points wide, but each horizontal and vertical unit in the coordinate space is 1/10 of a point.

   <v:shape id="rect01"
   fillcolor="red" strokecolor="red"
   coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="1000 1000"
   path="m 1,1 l 1,200, 200,200, 200,1 x e">

CoordSize Attribute Example. (Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or greater.)