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License: Apache

AjaxAC is a widget-based AJAX library in which minimal JavaScript is written. New widgets are written as PHP classes, and they use an event API for attaching AJAX actions to normal JavaScript events. Small amounts of glue JavaScript are included inside the PHP class, which can make for a complex development process. On the client, a mix of custom, handwritten JavaScript and framework-generated JavaScript is used to implement applications.


Web site:

License: LGPL

HTML_AJAX provides a stand-alone JavaScript-and-PHP API for AJAX requests. It's part of the PHP PEAR library project. PHP integration includes exposing PHP classes though proxy JavaScript objects and helper functions for JavaScript generation. RPC communications takes place using JSON, although other formats are supported through a pluggable architecture. Easy AJAX form submission and the generation of JavaScript from AJAX requests are also supported. The library is covered in detail in Chapter 9, "Libraries Used in Part II, HTML_AJAX."


Web site:

License: LGPL

PAJAJ is an object-oriented, event-driven AJAX library for PHP5. You can develop applications by using the PAJAJ HTML-generation tools to build your HTML and to attach events on the server side; you can also use a JavaScript API to bind events to already-existing HTML pages. PHP classes are exposed to JavaScript by creating a PHP page for each class and having the class extend the BaseAjaxServer class. This requirement of extending a base class can be troublesome for some frameworks that already contain base classes. JSON is used for all communication between JavaScript and PHP.


Web site:

License: LGPL

TinyAjax is a PHP5 solution that provides a simple API that is similar to SAJAX. It works by exporting individual PHP functions to JavaScript and generating JavaScript from a set of PHP helper methods. These helper methods include functions for grabbing the values from an HTML form and setting the innerHTML of DOM elements. Basic TinyAJAX applications can be written without writing any JavaScript code.


Web site:

License: LGPL

Xajax works by exporting PHP classes that return AJAX action objects from each call. These return actions can update the attributes of any DOM element and new custom JavaScript to the application. This functionality is similar to HTML_AJAX_Action (Chapter 9) and is designed to allow you to implement AJAX almost completely from the server side. Data serialization is handled using a custom XML format.


Web site:

License: PHP

XOAD provides RPC-style AJAX by exporting PHP classes to JavaScript. It includes a number of helper classes for generating the needed JavaScript during this process. JSON is used for communications between the client and the server. XOAD also includes a number of additional features, including action-based returns (similar to HTML_AJAX_Action in Chapter 9) and a custom event model. The event model is designed to allow you to fire an event on one client and catch it on another. This makes it easy to write chat applications.

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