Chapter 14. Applied JavaScript
In earlier chapters in this book, you've learned how to use dozens of JavaScript techniques to accomplish many specific tasks. On many Web pages that you build, you'll often need just one technique, and you'll be able to use a script from this book (usually with some minor modifications) to get the job done.
But sometimes you'll need to use more than one technique to get the job done on your pages. That's where this chapter comes in. The tasks you'll find here require a variety of approaches and are similar (in spirit, if not specifically) to what you'll need to do on your own Web sites.
In this chapter, you'll learn to improve your site's user interface with outline-style sliding and fly-out menus; create a slideshow; process text by crunching it with JavaScript; let JavaScript do the hard work of displaying data in an easy-to-understand graphical manner; and switch between different style sheets under script control.