
(no version information, might be only in CVS)

id3_get_tag -- Get all information stored in an ID3 tag


array id3_get_tag ( string filename [, int version])

id3_get_tag() is used to get all information stored in the id3 tag of the specified file.

注: Instead of a filename you may also pass a valid stream resource.

The optional version parameter allows you to specify the version of the tag as MP3 files may contain both, version 1.x and version 2.x tags.

例子 1. id3_get_tag() example

= id3_get_tag( "path/to/example.mp3" );

This will output something like:

    [title] => DN-38416
    [artist] => Re:\Legion
    [album] => Reflections
    [year] => 2004
    [genre] => 19

注: Currently id3_get_tag() only supports version 1.0 and 1.1.

The key genre will contain an integer between 0 and 147. You may use id3_get_genre_name() to convert it to a human readable string.

See also id3_set_tag(), id3_remove_tag() and id3_get_version().