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12.10. Named Characters

Prefer named characters to escaped metacharacters.

As an alternative to the previous guideline, Perl 5.6 (and later) supports named characters in regexes. As previously discussed[*], this mechanism is much better for "unprintable" components of a regex. For example, instead of:

[*] "Escaped Characters" in Chapter 4.

    if ($escape_seq =~ /\177 \006 \030 Z/xms) {   # Octal DEL-ACK-CAN-Z


    use charnames qw( :full );

    if ($escape_seq =~ m/\N{DELETE} \N{ACKNOWLEDGE} \N{CANCEL} Z/xms) {

Note, however that named whitespace characters are treated like ordinary whitespace (i.e., they're ignored) under the /x flag:

    use charnames qw( :full );

    # and later...

    $name =~ m{ harry \N{SPACE} s \N{SPACE} truman     # harrystruman
              | harry \N{SPACE} j \N{SPACE} potter     # harryjpotter

You would still need to put them in characters classes to make them match:

    use charnames qw( :full );

# and later...
$name =~ m{ harry [\N{SPACE}] s [\N{SPACE}] truman
# harry s truman
| harry [\N{SPACE}] j [\N{SPACE}] potter
# harry j potter

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