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16.10. Coercions

Specify coercions as :STRINGIFY, :NUMERIFY, and :BOOLIFY methods.

In addition to the :ATTR markers for attribute hashes, Class::Std also supplies markers for subroutines that implement conversions to numbers, strings, and booleans:

    sub count : NUMERIFY {    
# Call count( ) method whenever object used as number
my ($self, $ident) = @_; return scalar @{ $elements_of{$ident} }; } sub as_str : STRINGIFY {
# Call as_str( ) method whenever object used as string
my ($self, $ident) = @_; return sprintf '(%s)', join $COMMA, @{ $elements_of{$ident} }; } sub is_okay : BOOLIFY {
# Call is_okay( ) method whenever object used as boolean
my ($self) = @_; return !$self->Houston_We_Have_A_Problem( ); }

This provides a simpler, more convenient, and less repetitive interface than use overload:

    sub count {
        my ($self) = @_;
        return scalar @{ $elements_of{ident $self} };

    sub as_str {
        my ($self) = @_;
        return sprintf '(%s)', join $COMMA, @{ $elements_of{ident $self} };

    sub is_okay {
        my ($self) = @_;
        return !$self->Houston_We_Have_A_Problem( );

    use overload (
        q{0+}   => 'count',
        q{""}   => 'as_str',
        q{bool} => 'is_okay',

        fallback => 1,

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