Windows Scripting Host Object Reference

Objects provided by Wscript.exe

Wscript Exposed to scripting engine as Wscript.
WshArguments Not exposed; accessed through the Wscript.Arguments property.

Objects provided by WSHom.Ocx

WshShell Automation object. The
ProgID is Wscript.WshShell.
WshNetwork Automation object. The ProgID is Wscript.WshNetwork.
WshShortcut Not exposed; accessed through the WshShell.CreateShortcut method.
WshUrlShortcut Not exposed; accessed through the WshShell.CreateShortcut method .
WshCollection Not exposed; accessed through the WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives or WshNetwork.EnumPrinterConnection method.
WshEnvironment Not exposed; accessed through the WshShell.Environment property.
WshSpecialFolders Not exposed; accessed through the WshShell.Folder property.