PortSight Secure Access Documentation

ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool


The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool allows you to view and manage your Web site configuration through a simple Web interface. It lets you change your site configuration without having to manually edit the Web.config file. For most settings, changes that are made in the Web Site Administration Tool take effect immediately and are reflected in the Web.config file.



Default settings for a Web site are automatically inherited from any configuration files that exist for the computer or for the Web server as a whole. If the setting has been inherited and cannot be overridden, it appears dimmed, to indicate that it is disabled, in the Web Site Administration Tool.


The Web Site Administration Tool features a tabbed interface that groups related configuration settings within each tab. Use the Security tab to manage access rules to help secure specific resources within the Web site and to manage user accounts and roles. Use the Provider tab to test or assign providers for membership and role management for the Web site.



Using the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool with Secure Access


  1. Include Secure Access Membership Provider and/or Secure Access Role Provider in your project (see Using ASP.NET 2.0 Membership with Secure Access and Using ASP.NET 2.0 Role Manager with Secure Access for details).

  2. Use the Provider tab to select the Secure Access providers as default providers for membership and role management. By default, the Web Site Administration Tool configures and uses a local Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition database in the App_Data folder for the Web site.

  3. Since Secure Access database modifications cannot be authorized in the Web Site Administration Tool, you are only allowed to view existing users, roles and users' associations to roles. You cannot create, edit or delete these items, use the Secure Access administration interface instead.

  4. Use the Manage Access Rules link on the Security tab to bring up access rules management page. Use this page to manage access rules for your web site. Rules are applied in order. The first rule that matches applies, and the permission in each rule overrides the permissions in all following rules. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the selected rule.