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Explain the use of the Application Icon startup option.


Access uses the application icon specified in the Application Icon option of the Startup dialog box as the custom icon in the title bar of the application. This icon also appears on the taskbar when the user minimizes the application.


Explain the use of the Menu Bar startup option.


Access uses the menu designated in the Menu Bar option of the Startup dialog box as the default menu that appears when the user first loads the application.


Explain the use of the Display Form/Page startup option.


Access uses the Display Form/Page option of the Startup dialog box to determine the form that it displays when the user loads the application.


Why would you want to display a custom menu bar or toolbar?


By using custom menu bars and toolbars, you can limit users to just the functionality that you want them to have. Furthermore, you can simplify the application by providing users with only the features they need.

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