Transact-SQL 参考


Column_name 数据类型 可为空 默认值 检查 键/索引
pub_id char(4) 主键,聚集,外键 publishers(pub_id)
logo image
pr_info text

下表显示 pub_info 表的内容。

pub_id logo 1 pr_info 2
0736 Newmoon.bmp This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs database.New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
0877 Binnet.bmp This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database.Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
1389 Algodata.bmp This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs database.Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
1622 5lakes.bmp This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs database.Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
1756 Ramona.bmp This is sample text data for Ramona Publishers, publisher 1756 in the pubs database.Ramona Publishers is located in Dallas, Texas.
9901 Gggg.bmp This is sample text data for GGG&G, publisher 9901 in the pubs database.GGG&G is located in München, Germany.
9952 Scootney.bmp This is sample text data for Scootney Books, publisher 9952 in the pubs database.Scootney Books is located in New York City, New York.
9999 Lucerne.bmp This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs database.Lucerne Publishing is located in Paris, France.

1  此处显示的信息不是实际数据。它是从中装载位图(image 数据)的文件名。
2  此处显示的文本不完整。显示 text 数据时,仅显示有限数量的字符。此表显示 text 列的前 120 个字符。