Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures
Searching Algorithms
Selection Algorithms
Sorting Algorithms
Back Cover
Text Algorithms
Auxiliary functions for B-tree insertion
Balances merge sort
Binary insertion sort
Binary insertion sort
Binary priority queues deletion
Binary priority queues insertion
Binary search for arrays
Binary tree insertion
Binary tree search
Binary tree search
Boyer-Moore preprocessing
Boyer-Moore text searching
Boyer-Moore-Horspool text searching
Brent's reorganization scheme: insertion
Brute force string searching
Brute force text searching with k mismatches
B-tree data structure
B-tree insertion
B-tree search
B-tree search
Bubble sort (double direction)
Bucket sort
Build an automaton which recognizes a string
Build the union of two automata
Coalesced hashing: insertion
Coalesced hashing: search
Composition to search external text files
Composition to search external text files
Composition to search external text files
Data definition
Data structure definition for binary trees
Deterministic-finite-automata text searching
Digital tree (trie) insertion
Digital tree (trie) search
Direct chaining hashing: insertion
Direct chaining hashing: search
Double hashing: insertion
Double hashing: search
External Quicksort
Hashing function for strings
Heap deletion
Heap insertion
Heap insertion
Height balanced tree left rotation
Height balanced tree left rotation
Height balanced tree left rotation
Insertion for arrays
Insertion for lists
Insertion in a sorted array
Interpolation (in-place) sort
Interpolation sort
Karp-Rabin string searching
Karp-Rabin string searching
K-d tree insertion
K-d tree serach
Knuth-Morris-Pratt text searching
Leftist trees deletion
Leftist trees distance
Leftist trees insertion
Linear combination of two numbers
Linear insertion sort
Linear insertion sort with sentinel
Linear probing hashing: insertion
Linear probing hashing: search
Linear probing sort
Linear probing sort
List merging
Merge one ordered sequence
Merge sort
Merge sort
Merging of arrays
Multiple-precision multiplication
Normalization of a multiple-precision number
Pagodas deletion
Pagodas insertion
Pagodas merging
Partial-match query using range searching
Patricia tree insertion
Patricia tree search
Perfect hashing insertion
Perfect hashing search
Polyphase merge sort
Prefix searching in a PAT array
Procedure definition for sorting arrays
P-tree deletion of maximum
P-tree insertion
P-tree retrieval of head of queue
Quad tree insertion
Quad tree search
Quad trie insertion
Quad trie search
Quicksort (with bounded stack usage)
Radix sort
Range search in k-d trees
Replacement selection distribution
Replacement selection distribution
Search array definition
Selection of next file for balances merge sort
Selection of next file for polyphase merge sort
Self-organizing (Transpose) sequential search
Separate chaining hashing: insertion
Separate chaining hashing: search
Sequential search in lists (non-repeated keys)
Shellsort for fixed increments
Shift-or text searching
Sorted list deletion
Sorted list insertion
Sorted list inspection
String matching with k errors
String matching with k errors
String matching with k errors
Top-down radix sort
Unsorted list deletion
Unsorted list insertion
Unsorted list inspection
Weight balanced tree deletion
Weight balanced tree insertion
Weight balanced tree left rotation
Weight balanced tree left rotation
Weight balanced tree left rotation
Weight balanced tree left rotation
Arithmetic Algorithms
Basic Concepts