Block Editing

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Copy a Line Block

This command quickly duplicates a selected block of text from one location to another.

Highlight the lines of text to be copied, then move the caret to the target location and press [Alt]+[C], or select the option from the menu. The original text is not deleted.

This command provides a quick alternative to using the clipboard copy/paste functions.

Move a Line Block

This command moves a highlighted block of text from one location to another.

Highlight a block of text to be moved, move the caret to the target location and press [Alt]+[M], or select the option from the menu. The original text is deleted.

This is a quick alternative to using clipboard cut/paste functions.

Undo Previous Edit

You can use this command to undo your last edit. Invoke this function by pressing [Shift]+[F8], or select the option from the menu. A dialog displays, containing the information about the command to be undone. The dialog displays the line number, column position, type of undo (delete/insert/edit) and the contents of the undo buffer.

You can modify the target line number or column position. Confirm the operation by clicking on the OK button.

This undo feature is not available for column block edits, block move and replace string commands

Redo Previous Undo

This command reverses an undo. It can only be performed after an undo command.