Save a Tasks Pane Profile

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The best organization structure for the model in which you are creating your Tasks Pane Profile is:

·A single «profile» package
·Three diagrams within the «profile» package named Toolboxes, Contexts and Context Allocations
·Each toolbox page «stereotype» element is owned by the «profile» package and appears on the Toolboxes and Context Allocations diagrams
·Each context «stereotype» element is owned by the «profile» package and appears on the Contexts and Context Allocations diagrams
·Each «metaclass» element is owned by the «profile» package and appears on the Toolboxes or Contexts diagram.

From this structure, creating a Tasks Pane Profile is as simple as right-clicking the «profile» package in the Project Browser and selecting the Save Package as UML Profile context menu option.

Incorporating Tasks Panes in Technology

To incorporate your Tasks Pane profile in an MDG Technology, modify the MTS file that you use to create your MDG Technology and then rebuild your MDG Technology. For further information, see Working With MTS Files.