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d_receive                          d_timer

A Receive element is used to define the acceptance or receipt of a request, in an Activity diagram. Movement from a Receive element occurs only once receipt is fulfilled according to its specification. The Receive element comes in two forms:

·Accept Event Action element (pennant shape)
·Accept Time Event Action element (hourglass shape)

The following example reflects a payment process on an order. Upon receiving the payment (from Request Payments, a Send element), the payment is confirmed and the flow continues to ship the order.

Activity - Receive

See UML Superstructure Specification, v2.0, figure 158, p. 218.

To depict an Accept Time Event, use the standard Receive element from the Enterprise Architect UML Toolbox. Right-click on this element, and select the Advanced | Accept Time Event menu option. The following example shows the hourglass-shaped Accept Time Event Action:

Activity - RequestAcceptTimeEvent

See UML Superstructure Specification, v2.0, figure 159, p. 219.

Toolbox Icon


OMG UML Specification

The OMG UML specification (UML Superstructure Specification, v2.0, p. 218) states:

"AcceptEventAction is an action that waits for the occurrence of an event meeting specified conditions."