Style Menu Section

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The Style section of the connector context menu provides the following options:

Menu Option


Set Line Style

Set the connector line style - options are Direct, Auto Routing, Custom, Bezier, Tree (Horizontal) or Tree (Vertical).

Pin connection point

Pin the start and/or connector ends to a position on the target element.

Bend Line at Cursor

Insert an anchor point on the line at the point of the cursor so you can change the shape of the line.

Suppress Line Segment

Hide a segment of a connector so that you can view a part of the diagram that it crosses.

To reverse the change, right-click on the connector and select the Show All Line Segments menu option.

Straighten Line at Cursor

Remove an anchor point on the line at the point of the cursor.

Note: Not all menu options are present on all connector context menus. Context menus vary slightly between connector types. The type-specific menu option is not always included, for example.