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6.1 The Business Tier

There are several ways to slice up a J2EE application. It's quite common to hear the phrases domain logic, business logic, business object, business tier, and other variants tossed around with wild abandon, resulting in more than a little confusion. What is the business tier? Is the application server part of the business tier, or does it enable the business tier? What about the database? The tables in the database? The servlet container?

All business tiers, as we use the term, have two functions in common. Business tiers:

  • Provide a structured model for application data.

  • Provide procedures for performing business-related activities.

Most also share the following characteristics. Business tiers:

  • Are shared by multiple clients.

  • Provide a framework for transactions, ensuring that the information in the domain model remains in a valid state.

  • Provide a persistence mechanism for application data.

Most enterprise applications ultimately serve multiple clients, whether different types of clients (servlet applications versus Swing GUIs) or multiple instances of the same type (10,000 Swing GUIs, or an array of web servers). Most applications will use some transaction functionality at least once, but transaction implementations can be done via JTA, EJB, JDBC, or raw objects, depending on the needs and desires of the designer. Persistence is commonly associated with the transaction logic, often via JDBC and a database. Chapter 10 is devoted to transactions and concurrency management, so we'll skip lightly over it here.

The persistence mechanism, although we've listed it under the "most" heading, is essentially universal. Of course, the method by which different applications implement the persistence mechanism varies tremendously, from serialized objects to Enterprise JavaBeans, to database tables and JDBC. The business tier itself might be housed in a complex application server or as a humble application in a standalone JRE (or, quite frequently, in the same JRE as the presentation tier).

6.1.1 Business Tier Components

The standard J2EE application model defines a Server Side Business Logic layer, implemented via EJBs or other objects, which optionally accesses Enterprise Information Systems. We don't find that view quite as helpful, because it doesn't address what we actually put into the system: just how we'd implement it.

For the purposes of this chapter and those that follow, we subdivide the business tier into three parts: the visible business tier, the resource layer, and the enterprise layer. The visible business tier is what's exposed to the presentation tier, while the resource and enterprise layers provide the services that allow the visible portion of the business tier to do its job.

Although the business tier can be subdivided, it isn't the same kind of subdivision that we get with the tiers themselves. The coupling between the various components that make up the business tier generally has to be quite tight: you can't create a new set of domain objects and expect all the business logic to work properly. However, with proper compartmentalization, you retain some flexibility. In most applications, the business logic isn't tightly coupled to a particular database, and as a result we can potentially change the underlying database without having to rewrite the business process code.

Figure 6-1 shows a view of the business tier. Not every business tier will look like this, of course. Components higher on the chart access components that are lower on the chart, either directly or through intermediaries. Process logic, for instance, accesses domain objects and the enterprise layer.

Figure 6-1. The business tier
figs/j2ee_0601.gif Business tier components

Domain objects represent the "nouns" of the application. They're the concrete things that map to real or virtual concepts within the application. Objects (or database tables) represent customers, orders, stock items, user accounts, outstanding invoices, clinical measurements, or anything else that could substitute for one of the blanks in "a ___ is related to a ___."

The business logic reflects the business process. A business process is the set of steps required to fulfill one of the system's use cases, and can be thought of as a "verb" or a system activity. Business processes don't have a life of their own except in the project management sense: once the process is complete, a record may be kept for analysis, but an instance of the process itself only exists while it works towards a particular goal. For example, when an order is shipped, the order process is complete. (The domain object containing the record of the order, however, is permanent.)

Put together, domain objects and business logic are sometimes known as the domain model. They represent the "domain" of an application, including both the physical entities and the processes.

Figure 6-1 subdivides the business logic layer into domain objects and process logic (the business processes). The process logic manipulates the domain objects. In some cases, the process logic is the only part of the application visible to any of the lower tiers. For example, a J2EE application might embed process logic in EJB session beans, or via a web services interface. The session beans or web service backend are responsible for interacting with the domain objects. This is good practice, but it doesn't make sense for every aspect of every possible application.

Both domain objects and business logic are subject to business rules. A business rule might state that a particular order is associated with one and only one customer, or that employees may only report to managers and not to programmers. The business rules for the domain apply regardless of the application. For example, an orders system and an inventory system that deal with the same domain (stock management) could theoretically use the same domain model. The business rules embedded in the model should apply equally to either application. These rules don't show up on the diagram in Figure 6-1, but instead constrain the actions of the various pieces of the business logic layer. Supporting players

The resource layer in a J2EE application is typically a database, but it can include any persistent storage mechanisms, both locally (on disk) or remotely (in messaging, transaction management, and other support systems). Chapter 8 is devoted to the patterns that apply to the resource layer. The resource layer should be largely invisible to the presentation tier, which interacts only with the business logic objects.

Finally, the enterprise layer consists of connections to other systems, whether they're legacy systems, J2EE systems, or web services. Business processes often involve handoffs to external systems. Sometimes these exchanges are handled quickly in near real time (such as a credit card authorization for an online merchant) and sometimes asynchronously (such as a request to approve a mortgage application). Chapter 11 addresses intersystem integration in detail.

Business Tier Services

A service is a software component that performs an action on behalf of another component. A typical action might involve retrieving a piece of information for a client, or performing a specific operation for that client, often on a remote resource.

Directories are probably the most common software service, and are a good illustration of a service because they provide access to both information and resources. A corporate LDAP directory is an example of a directory that accesses information. Normally, the directory maintains all sorts of information about employees, including simple items like names and phone numbers, as well as more complex relationships, such as whom individual employees work for. A UDDI directory, on the other hand, returns resources: rather than providing information directly, it points an application towards a web service that can help.

When a Java application accesses an LDAP directory, it doesn't manipulate an object representation of that directory. Instead, it issues a request for specific information through the generic Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). The request must explicitly state exactly what information is required (either by providing a specific name or a set of criteria); in response to the request, JNDI returns an object containing the requested information. If the application needs to update the directory, and has permission to do so, it can pass the object back, again specifying exactly how the directory should store it.

In each case, the service interface acts as the medium of exchange. Other business services, including web services, work the same way, fielding requests for information or actions and returning responses.

The most important thing to remember is that web services in particular are not inherently stateful. Each service call contains all the information required to complete a request, whether the service call is requesting the name of an object, asking that an equation be solved, or providing a business transaction to post. Of course, stateful remote components do exist: they're just called distributed objects.

Literature on software architecture often mentions business services. In a well-designed application that is properly divided into components that have fully defined interfaces between them, a business service is simply another phrase for a business tier component.

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