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Example Code for Leak #6

#include <iostream.h> 

class Point {

 int x, y;

 char* color;


 Point(int, int, char*);

 Point(const Point&);


 void print();

// Note the commented-out operator=

// const Point& operator=(const Point& rhs);


Point::Point(int new_x, int new_y, char* col)


 x = new_x; y = new_y;

 color = new char[strlen(col)+1];

 strcpy(color, col);


Point::Point(const Point& rhs)


 x = rhs.x; y = rhs.y;

 color = new char[strlen(rhs.color)+1];

 strcpy(color, rhs.color);



 delete color;





 cout << ''I'm a point at ('';

 cout << x <<'', '' << y << '')\n'';

 cout << ''My color is '' <<color<<''.\n\n'';


// The following operation is a sample

// implementation of the overloaded assignment

// operator for the Point class. It is important that

// the function allow for assignment of one object

// to itself. The returned reference is marked

// constant so that the return value of overloaded

// operator= cannot be used as an lvalue.

// That is, (x=y) = z is illegal.


const Point&

Point::opertor=(const Point& rhs)


// Avoid assignment to self.

 if(this == &rhs) {



 x = rhs.x; y = rhs.y;

 delete color;

 color = new char[strlen(rhs.color)+1];

 strcpy(color, rhs.color);






 Point p1(10, 10, ''Blue'');

 Point p2(15, 18, ''Green");

 p1.print(); p2.print();


 p1.print(); p2.print();


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