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Example Code for Leak #4

#include <iostream. h> 

class Point {

 int x, y;

 char* color;

 Point(int=0, int=0, char*=''Red'');



Point::Point(int new_x, int new_y, char* col)


 x = new_x; y = new_y;

 color = new char[strlen(col)+1];

 strcpy(color, col);




 delete color;




// The following line of code dynamically

// allocates an array of 10 pointers to

// Point objects (not the objects themselves).

 Point **p = new Point*[10];

 int i;

// The loop below allocates one Point object

// for each of the Point pointers.

 for (i=0; i<10; i++) {

  p[i] = new Point(i, i, ''Green'');


// The following statement does not clean up

// the individual points, just their pointers. It

// results in the leakage of memory

// (10*sizeof(Point) + 60 bytes of space).

// Note: The 60 bytes are incurred for the

// storage of the string ''Green'' in each of the

// 10 objects.

   delete[]p; // or delete[10] p;

   // The correct code is as follows:


      for (i=0; i < 10; i++) {

       delete p[i];


      delete p;



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