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What Is Legal UML?

At first blush, this should be a simple question to answer: Legal UML is what is defined as well formed in the specification. In practice, however, the answer is a bit more complicated.

An important part of this question is whether the UML has descriptive or prescriptive rules. A language with prescriptive rules is controlled by an official body that states what is or isn't legal in the language and what meaning you give to utterances in that language. A language with descriptive rules is one in which you understand its rules by looking at how people use the language in practice. Programming languages tend to have prescriptive rules set by a standards committee or dominant vendor, while natural languages, such as English, tend to have descriptive rules whose meaning is set by convention.

UML is quite a precise language, so you might expect it to have prescriptive rules. But UML is often considered to be the software equivalent of the blueprints in other engineering disciplines, and these blueprints are not prescriptive notations. No committee says what the legal symbols are on a structural engineering drawing; the notation has been accepted by convention, similarly to a natural language. Simply having a standards body doesn't do the trick either, because people in the field may not follow everything the standards body says; just ask the French about the Académie Française. In addition, the UML is so complex that the standard is often open to multiple interpretations. Even the UML leaders who reviewed this book would disagree on interpretation of the UML standard.

This issue is important both for me writing this book and for you using the UML. If you want to understand a UML diagram, it's important to realize that understanding the UML standard is not the whole picture. People do adopt conventions, both in the industry widely and within a particular project. As a result, although the UML standard can be the primary source of information on the UML, it can't be the only one.

My attitude is that, for most people, the UML has descriptive rules. The UML standard is the biggest single influence on what UML means, but it isn't the only one. I think that this will become particularly true with UML 2, which introduces some notational conventions that conflict with either UML 1's definition or the conventional usage of UML, as well as adds yet more complexity to the UML. In this book, therefore, I'm trying to summarize the UML as I find it: both the standards and the conventional usage. When I have to make a distinction in this book, I'll use the term conventional use to indicate something that isn't in the standard but that I think is widely used. For something that conforms to the standard, I'll use the terms standard or normative. (Normative is the term standards people use to mean a statement that you must conform to be valid in the standard. So non-normative UML is a fancy way of saying that something is strictly illegal according to the UML standard.)

When you are looking at a UML diagram, you should bear in mind that a general principle in the UML is that any information may be suppressed for a particular diagram. This suppression can occur either generally梙ide all attributes梠r specifically梔on't show these three classes. In a diagram, therefore, you can never infer anything by its absence. If a multiplicity is missing, you cannot infer what value it might be. Even if the UML meta-model has a default, such as [1] for attributes, if you don't see the information on the diagram, it may be because it's the default or because it's suppressed.

Having said that, there are some general conventions, such as multivalued properties being sets. In the text, I'll point out these default conventions.

It's important to not put too much emphasis on having legal UML if you're a sketcher or blueprinter. It's more important to have a good design for your system, and I would rather have a good design in illegal UML than a legal but poor design. Obviously, good and legal is best, but you're better off putting your energy into having a good design than worrying about the arcana of UML. (Of course, you have to be legal in UML as programming language, or your program won't run properly!)

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