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Bidirectional Associations

The associations we've looked at so far are called unidirectional associations. Another common kind of association is a bidirectional association, such as Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4. A bidirectional association


A bidirectional association is a pair of properties that are linked together as inverses. The Car class has property owner:Person[1], and the Person class has a property cars:Car[*]. (Note how I named the cars property in the plural form of the property's type, a common but non-normative convention.)

The inverse link between them implies that if you follow both properties, you should get back to a set that contains your starting point. For example, if I begin with a particular MG Midget, find its owner, and then look at its owner's cars, that set should contain the Midget that I started from.

As an alternative to labeling an association by a property, many people, particularly if they have a data-modeling background, like to label an association by using a verb phrase (Figure 3.5) so that the relationship can be used in a sentence. This is legal and you can add an arrow to the association to avoid ambiguity. Most object modelers prefer to use a property name, as that corresponds better to responsibilities and operations.

Figure 3.5. Using a verb phrase to name an association


Some people name every association in some way. I choose to name an association only when doing so improves understanding. I've seen too many associations with such names as "has" or "is related to."

In Figure 3.4, the bidirectional nature of the association is made obvious by the navigability arrows at both ends of the association. Figure 3.5 has no arrows; the UML allows you to use this form either to indicate a bidirectional association or when you aren't showing navigability. My preference is to use the double-headed arrow of Figure 3.4 when you want to make it clear that you have a bidirectional association.

Implementing a bidirectional association in a programming language is often a little tricky because you have to be sure that both properties are kept synchronized. Using C#, I use code along these lines to implement a bidirectional association:

class Car...
  public Person Owner {
    get {return _owner;}
    set {
      if (_owner != null) _owner.friendCars().Remove(this);
      _owner = value;
      if (_owner != null) _owner.friendCars().Add(this);
private Person _owner;
class Person ...
  public IList Cars {
    get {return ArrayList.ReadOnly(_cars);}
  public void AddCar(Car arg) {
    arg.Owner = this;
  private IList _cars = new ArrayList();
  internal IList friendCars() {
    //should only be used by Car.Owner
    return _cars;

The primary thing is to let one side of the association梐 single-valued side, if possible梒ontrol the relationship. For this to work, the slave end (Person) needs to leak the encapsulation of its data to the master end. This adds to the slave class an awkward method, which shouldn't really be there, unless the language has fine-grained access control. I've used the naming convention of "friend" here as a nod to C++, where the master's setter would indeed be a friend. Like much property code, this is pretty boilerplate stuff, which is why many people prefer to use some form of code generation to produce it.

In conceptual models, navigability isn't an important issue, so I don't show any navigability arrows on conceptual models.

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