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Association Class

Association classes allow you to add attributes, operations, and other features to associations, as shown in Figure 5.12. We can see from the diagram that a person may attend many meetings. We need to keep information about how awake that person was; we can do this by adding the attribute attentiveness to the association.

Figure 5.12. Association class


Figure 5.13 shows another way to represent this information: Make Attendance a full class in its own right. Note how the multiplicities have moved.

Figure 5.13. Promoting an association class to a full class


What benefit do you gain with the association class to offset the extra notation you have to remember? The association class adds an extra constraint, in that there can be only one instance of the association class between any two participating objects. I feel the need for another example.

Take a look at the two diagrams in Figure 5.14. These diagrams have much the same form. However, we can imagine one Company playing different roles in the same Contract, but it's harder to imagine a Person having multiple competencies in the same skill; indeed, you would probably consider that an error.

Figure 5.14. Association class subtleties (Role should probably not be an association class)


In the UML, only the latter case is legal. You can have only one competency for each combination of Person and Skill. The top diagram in Figure 5.14 would not allow a Company to have more than one Role on a single contract. If you need to allow this, you need to make Role a full class, in the style of Figure 5.13.

Implementing association classes isn't terribly obvious. My advice is to implement an association class as if it where a full class but to provide methods that get information to the classes linked by the association class. So for Figure 5.12, I would see the following methods on Person:

class Person
  List getAttendances()
  List getMeetings()

This way, a client of Person can get hold of the people at the meeting; if they want details, they can get the Attendances themselves. If you do this, remember to enforce the constraint that there can be only one Attendance object for any pair of Person and Meeting. You should place a check in whichever method creates the Attendance.

You often find this kind of construct with historical information, such as in Figure 5.15. However, I find that creating extra classes or association classes can make the model tricky to understand, as well as tilt the implementation in a particular direction that's often unsuitable.

Figure 5.15. Using a class for a temporal relationship


If I have this kind of temporal information, I use a «temporal» keyword on the association (see Figure 5.16). The model indicates that a Person may work for only a single Company at one time. Over time, however, a Person may work for several Companies. This suggests an interface along the lines of:

Figure 5.16. «Temporal» keyword for associations


class Person ...
  Company getEmployer();//get current employer
  Company getEmployer(Date);//get employer at a given date
  void changeEmployer(Company newEmployer,Date changeDate);
  void leaveEmployer (Date changeDate);

The «temporal» keyword is not part of the UML, but I mention it here for two reasons. First, it is a notion I have found useful on several occasions in my modeling career. Second, it shows how you can use keywords to extend the UML. You can read a lot more about this at http://martinfowler.com/ap2/timeNarrative.html.

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