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Reference Objects and Value Objects

One of the common things said about objects is that they have identity. This is true, but it is not quite as simple as that. In practice, you find that identity is important for reference objects but not so important for value objects.

Reference objects are such things as Customer. Here, identity is very important because you usually want only one software object to designate a customer in the real world. Any object that references a Customer object will do so through a reference, or pointer; all objects that reference this Customer will reference the same software object. That way, changes to a Customer are available to all users of the Customer.

If you have two references to a Customer and wish to see whether they are the same, you usually compare their identities. Copies may be disallowed; if they are allowed, they tend to be made rarely, perhaps for archive purposes or for replication across a network. If copies are made, you need to sort out how to synchronize changes.

Value objects are such things as Date. You often have multiple value objects representing the same object in the real world. For example, it is normal to have hundreds of objects that designate 1-Jan-04. These are all interchangeable copies. New dates are created and destroyed frequently.

If you have two dates and wish to see whether they are the same, you don't look at their identities but rather at the values they represent. This usually means that you have to write an equality test operator, which for dates would make a test on year, month, and day梠r whatever the internal representation is. Each object that references 1-Jan-04 usually has its own dedicated object, but you can also share dates.

Value objects should be immutable; in other words, you should not be able to take a date object of 1-Jan-04 and change the same date object to be 2-Jan-04. Instead, you should create a new 2-Jan-04 object and use that instead. The reason is that if the date were shared, you would update another object's date in an unpredictable way, a problem referred to as aliasing.

In days gone by, the difference between reference objects and value objects was clearer. Value objects were the built-in values of the type system. Now you can extend the type system with your own classes, so this issue requires more thought.

The UML uses the concept of data type, which is shown as a keyword on the class symbol. Strictly, data type isn't the same as value object, as data types can't have identity. Value objects may have an identity, but don't use it for equality. Primitives in Java would be data types, but dates would not, although they would be value objects.

If it's important to highlight them, I use composition when associating with a value object. You can also use a keyword on a value type; common conventional ones I see are «value» or «struct».

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