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Packages and Dependencies

A package diagram shows packages and their dependencies. I introduced the concept of dependency on page 47. If you have packages for presentation and domain, you have a dependency from the presentation package to the domain package if any class in the presentation package has a dependency to any class in the domain package. In this way, interpackage dependencies summarize the dependencies between their contents.

The UML has many varieties of dependency, each with particular semantics and stereotype. I find it easier to begin with the unstereotyped dependency and use the more particular dependencies only if I need to, which I hardly ever do.

In a medium to large system, plotting a package diagram can be one of the most valuable things you can do to control the large-scale structure of the system. Ideally, this diagram should be generated from the code base itself, so that you can see what is really there in the system.

A good package structure has a clear flow to the dependencies, a concept that's difficult to define but often easier to recognize. Figure 7.2 shows a sample package diagram for an enterprise application, one that is well-structured and has a clear flow.

Figure 7.2. Package diagram for an enterprise application


Often, you can identify a clear flow because all the dependencies run in a single direction. Although that is a good indicator of a well-structured system, the data mapper packages of Figure 7.2 show an exception to that rule of thumb. The data mapper packages act as an insulating layer between the domain and database packages, an example of the Mapper pattern [Fowler, P of EAA].

Many authors say that there should be no cycles in the dependencies (the Acyclic Dependency Principle [Martin]). I don't treat that as an absolute rule, but I do think that cycles should be localized and that, in particular, you shouldn't have cycles that cross layers.

The more dependencies coming into a package, the more stable the package's interface needs to be, as any change in its interface will ripple into all the packages that are dependent on it (the Stable Dependencies Principle [Martin]). So in Figure 7.2, the asset domain package needs a more stable interface than the leasing data mapper package. Often, you'll find that the more stable packages tend to have a higher proportion of interfaces and abstract classes (the Stable Abstractions Principle [Martin].

The dependency relationships are not transitive (page 48). To see why this is important for dependencies, look at Figure 7.2 again. If a class in the asset domain package changes, we may have a change to classes within the leasing domain package. But this change does not necessarily ripple through to the leasing presentation. (It ripples only if the leasing domain changes its interface.)

Some packages are used in so many places that it would be a mess to draw all the dependency lines to them. In this case, a convention is to use a keyword, such as «global», on the package.

UML packages also define constructs to allow packages to import and merge classes from one package into another, using dependencies with keywords to notate this. However, rules for this kind of thing vary greatly with programming languages. On the whole, I find the general notion of dependencies to be far more useful in practice.

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