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Chapter 11. Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams are a technique to describe procedural logic, business process, and work flow. In many ways, they play a role similar to flowcharts, but the principal difference between them and flowchart notation is that they support parallel behavior.

Activity diagrams have seen some of the biggest changes over the versions of the UML, so they have, not surprisingly, been significantly extended and altered again for UML 2. In UML 1, activity diagrams were seen as special cases of state diagrams. This caused a lot of problems for people modeling work flows, which activity diagrams are well suited for. In UML 2, that tie was removed.

Figure 11.1 shows a simple example of an activity diagram. We begin at the initial node action and then do the action Receive Order. Once that is done, we encounter a fork. A fork has one incoming flow and several outgoing concurrent flows.

Figure 11.1. A simple activity diagram


Figure 11.1 says that Fill Order, Send Invoice, and the subsequent actions occur in parallel. Essentially, this means that the sequence between them is irrelevant. I could fill the order, send the invoice, deliver, and then receive payment; or, I could send the invoice, receive the payment, fill the order, and then deliver: You get the picture.

I can also do these actions by interleaving. I grab the first line item from stores, type up the invoice, grab the second line item, put the invoice in an envelope, and so forth. Or, I could do some of this simultaneously: type up the invoice with one hand while I reach into my stores with another. Any of these sequences is correct, according to the diagram.

The activity diagram allows whoever is doing the process to choose the order in which to do things. In other words, the diagram merely states the essential sequencing rules I have to follow. This is important for business modeling because processes often occur in parallel. It's also useful for concurrent algorithms, in which independent threads can do things in parallel.

When you have parallelism, you'll need to synchronize. We don't close the order until it is delivered and paid for. We show this with the join before the Close Order action. With a join, the outgoing flow is taken only when all the incoming flows reach the join. So you can close the order only when you have both received the payment and delivered.

UML 1 had particular rules for balancing the forks and joins, as activity diagrams were special cases of state diagrams. With UML 2, such balancing is no longer needed.

You'll notice that the nodes on an activity diagram are called actions, not activities. Strictly, an activity refers to a sequence of actions, so the diagram shows an activity that's made up of actions.

Conditional behavior is delineated by decisions and merges. A decision, called branch in UML 1, has a single incoming flow and several guarded out-bound flows. Each outbound flow has a guard: a Boolean condition placed inside square brackets. Each time you reach a decision, you can take only one of the outbound flows, so the guards should be mutually exclusive. Using [else] as a guard indicates that the [else] flow should be used if all the other guards on the decision are false.

In Figure 11.1, after an order is filled, there is a decision. If you have a rush order, you do an Overnight Delivery; otherwise, you do a Regular Delivery.

A merge has multiple input flows and a single output. A merge marks the end of conditional behavior started by a decision.

In my diagrams, each action has a single flow coming in and a single flow going out. In UML 1, multiple incoming flows had an implicit merge. That is, your action would execute if any flow triggered. In UML 2, this has changed so there's an implicit join instead; thus, the action executes only if all flows trigger. As a result of this change, I recommend that you use only a single incoming and outgoing flow to an action and show all joins and merges explicitly; that will avoid confusion.

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