

Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.


An "off the shelf" component offers compelling functionality that you would like reuse, but its "view of the world" is not compatible with the philosophy and architecture of the system currently being developed.


Create an intermediary abstraction that translates, or maps, the old component to the new system. Clients call methods on the Adapter object which redirects them into calls to the legacy component. This strategy can be implemented either with inheritance or with aggregation.

Adapter functions as a wrapper or modifier of an existing class. It provides a different or translated view of that class. It effectively offers an impedence-matching facility.


It is using aggregation is its delegation mechanism. The inheritance shown is only for interface - not for implementation.


The Adapter pattern allows otherwise incompatible classes to work together by converting the interface of one class into an interface expected by the clients. Socket wrenches provide an example of the Adapter. A socket attaches to a ratchet, provided that the size of the drive is the same. Typical drive sizes in the United States are 1/2" and 1/4". Obviously, a 1/2" drive ratchet will not fit into a 1/4" drive socket unless an adapter is used. A 1/2" to 1/4" adapter has a 1/2" female connection to fit on the 1/2" drive ratchet, and a 1/4" male connection to fit in the 1/4" drive socket. [Michael Duell, "Non-software examples of software design patterns", Object Magazine, Jul 97, p54]

Non-software example

Rules of thumb

Adapter makes things work after they're designed; Bridge makes them work before they are. [GOF, p219]

Bridge is designed up-front to let the abstraction and the implementation vary independently. Adapter is retrofitted to make unrelated classes work together. [GOF, p161]

Adapter provides a different interface to its subject. Proxy provides the same interface. Decorator provides an enhanced interface. [GOF. p216]

Adapter is meant to change the interface of an existing object. Decorator enhances another object without changing its interface. Decorator is thus more transparent to the application than an adapter is. As a consequence, Decorator supports recursive composition, which isn't possible with pure Adapters. [GOF, 149]

Facade defines a new interface, whereas Adapter reuses an old interface. Remember that Adapter makes two existing interfaces work together as opposed to defining an entirely new one. [GOF, pp219]

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