Return "this" by reference

Problem Intermediate temporary variables are used only as middlemen in computations.

Context End-game optimization of a program that makes heavy use of algebraic types.

Forces You want operator+ and operator+= to have properly related semantics, so you want to implement one in terms of the other. The outside user doesn't care which derives from the other. Temporary variables can be expensive, particularly for large algebraic types (e.g., large arrays).

Solution Define operator+ in terms of operator+=, not the other way around. Define other arithmetic operators analogously.

Example Not:
    Complex operator+ (const Complex &a1, const Complex &a2) {
        Complex  result = a1;
        result.rpart += a2.rpart;
        result.ipart += a2.ipart;
        return result; }
    Complex& Complex::operator+= (const Complex &a1) {
        Complex temporary = *this + a1;
        *this = temporary; }
    Complex& Complex::operator+= (const Complex &al) {
        rpart += al.rpart;
        ipart += al.ipart;
        return *this; // no new object }
    Complex operator+ (const Complex &al, const Complex &a2 {
        Complex retval = al;
        retval += a2;
        return retval; }

Resulting context

Saves a lot of memory and time for large algebraic types like arrays or strings.
[Source: James Coplien, "After all, we can't ignore efficiency", C++ Report, May 96, p69]