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Chapter 7: Some Final Object Concepts


By now, you've hopefully gained a solid appreciation for how powerful object-oriented languages are for modeling complex real-world situations. By way of review:

You might wonder how there could possibly be anything more left in our OO bag of tricks! However, as powerful as all of the preceding OO language features are, there is one more essential feature that we haven't yet spoken about, which ties them all together into an unbeatable package: a feature known as polymorphism.

Also, as with any technology, there are core concepts and then there are "special topics": things that you don't necessarily need to know when you're first setting out to use the technology, but which are valuable to know as you become adept with the basics. If you buy an expensive, professional-caliber camera, for example, you may initially be able to use it only as a "point-and-shoot" camera, letting the camera do all of the work of automatically determining how to adjust the lens to produce a quality picture. As your familiarity with the camera's features improves, however, you'll find yourself able to command the camera to do some pretty amazing things! Arming yourself with knowledge of such special object technology topics—the "icing" on the object "cake"—will enhance your ability to develop sophisticated OO applications.

In this chapter, you'll learn

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