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Association Classes

We sometimes find ourselves in a situation where we identify an attribute that is critical to our model, but which doesn't seem to fit nicely into any one class. As an example, let's revisit the association "a Student attends a Section," as shown in Figure 10-50. (Note that we're using the "generic" many multiplicity symbol this time, a single asterisk (*), at each end of the association line.)

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Figure 10-50: A many-to-many association between Student and Section

At the end of every semester, a student receives a letter grade for every section that he or she attended during that semester. We decide that the grade should be represented as a string attribute (e.g., "A-", "C+"). However, where does the "grade" attribute belong?

If we think about this situation for a moment, we realize that the grade is actually an attribute of the pairing of a given Student object with a given Section; that is, it's an attribute of the link that exists between these two objects.

With UML, we create a separate class, known as an association class, to house attribute(s) belonging to the link between objects, and attach it with a dashed line to the association line, as shown in Figure 10-51.

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Figure 10-51: Placing an association class on a many-to-many association

Any time you see an association class in a class diagram, realize that there is an alternative equivalent way to represent the same situation without using an association class.

That being said, this practice of folding in association class attributes into one end of a one-to-many or one-to-one association is discouraged, however, because it reduces the amount of information communicated by the model. In the preceding example, the only reason that a Professor has a salary attribute is because he or she works for a Department; knowledge of this "cause and effect" connection between employment and salary is lost if the association class is eliminated as such from the model.

Note that association classes are "normal" classes that may themselves participate in relationships with other classes. In the diagram in Figure 10-55, for example, we show the association class Role participating in a one-to-many association with the class USPresident; an example illustrating this model would be "Film Star Anthony Hopkins starred in the movie Nixon in the role of Richard M. Nixon, thus portraying the real former U.S. President Richard M. Nixon."

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Figure 10-55: Association classes themselves can participate in associations with other classes.

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