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Some Final Recommendations

In addition to the Student Registration System case study that is used as the backbone of the book, we recommend using a consistent second case study as the basis for homework assignments and/or in-class group exercises. Either have students devise their own (see suggested exercise 3 at the end of Chapter 2), or use the Prescription Tracking System provided in Appendix B.

Each time a new OO concept or modeling technique is introduced in lectures, a classroom exercise or homework assignment should be assigned to the students so that they may experience that concept or apply that technique.

Spend the beginning of each class for which a homework assignment is due discussing students' and instructor's solutions to the assignment.


Note from Jacquie: I often have students submit their homework solutions to me in advance of a class meeting via fax, email, or web posting so that I have time to decide which aspects of their solutions I wish to emphasize; reviewing a student's (possibly flawed) solution for the first time in front of the class can be confusing to classmates.

For purposes of object modeling, students should be encouraged to work in small teams for both the classroom exercises and the homework assignments. A great deal of the learning that takes place from object modeling comes from "hammering out" differences of opinion among a group, and group projects give students a real taste of the teamwork required in the business world.

It's also enlightening to give the same set of requirements to multiple teams, and to then have the teams review each other's proposed solutions, pointing out what works and what doesn't.


Note from Jacquie: Keep an eye on my web site,, for additional suggestions on how to use this material effectively in an academic setting. And, if you come up with a particularly effective approach or idea, I'd love to hear about it, so that it may be shared with other instructors.

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