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IWebProxyCF 1.0, ECMA 1.0

System.Net (system.dll)interface

IWebProxy defines the interface used by the WebProxy class. Parties interested in creating customized proxy handlers would implement this interface to do so, but the WebProxy implementation is sufficient for most HTTP access purposes.

To use an implementation of IWebProxy, see the GlobalProxySelection class or the WebRequest.Proxy property.

public interface IWebProxy {
// Public Instance Properties
   public ICredentials Credentials{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public Uri GetProxy(Uri destination);
   public bool IsBypassed(Uri host);

Implemented By


Returned By

GlobalProxySelection.{GetEmptyWebProxy( ), Select}, WebRequest.Proxy

Passed To

GlobalProxySelection.Select, ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint( ), WebRequest.Proxy

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