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WebProxyCF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable

System.Net (system.dll)class

This implementation of IWebProxy supports HTTP proxies. Use the one-argument form of the constructor to specify the URI of the proxy server. The second argument, BypassOnLocal, if set to true, bypasses the proxy server for local (intranet) addresses. Other forms of the constructor allow you to specify an array that lists servers for which you should bypass the proxy (this list can contain regular expression strings containing URI patterns to match). You can also supply network credentials to authenticate your application to the proxy server.

See GlobalProxySelection or the WebRequest.Proxy property for details on configuring a proxy.

public class WebProxy : IWebProxy, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable {
// Public Constructors
   public WebProxy( );
   public WebProxy(string Address);
   public WebProxy(string Address, bool BypassOnLocal);
   public WebProxy(string Address, bool BypassOnLocal, string[ ] BypassList);
   public WebProxy(string Address, bool BypassOnLocal, string[ ] BypassList, ICredentials Credentials);
   public WebProxy(string Host, int Port);
   public WebProxy(Uri Address);
   public WebProxy(Uri Address, bool BypassOnLocal);
   public WebProxy(Uri Address, bool BypassOnLocal, string[ ] BypassList);
   public WebProxy(Uri Address, bool BypassOnLocal, string[ ] BypassList, ICredentials Credentials);
// Protected Constructors
   protected WebProxy(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo serializationInfo,
       System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext streamingContext);
// Public Instance Properties
   public Uri Address{set; get; }
   public ArrayList BypassArrayList{get; }
   public string[ ] BypassList{set; get; }
   public bool BypassProxyOnLocal{set; get; }
   public ICredentials Credentials{set; get; }        
// implements IWebProxy
// Public Static Methods
   public static WebProxy GetDefaultProxy( );
// Public Instance Methods
   public Uri GetProxy(Uri destination);
// implements IWebProxy
   public bool IsBypassed(Uri host);    
// implements IWebProxy
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