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System.Runtime.Serialization (mscorlib.dll)class

This class is a basic implementation of the IFormatterConverter interface. It provides a formatter with a means to convert values to different base types. The generic Convert( ) method converts a value into a specified type. The various To* methods convert values into specific types.

public class FormatterConverter : IFormatterConverter {
// Public Constructors
   public FormatterConverter( );
// Public Instance Methods
   public object Convert(object value, Type type);   
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public object Convert(object value, TypeCode typeCode);
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public bool ToBoolean(object value); 
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public byte ToByte(object value);    
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public char ToChar(object value);    
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public DateTime ToDateTime(object value);         
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public decimal ToDecimal(object value);           
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public double ToDouble(object value);
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public short ToInt16(object value);  
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public int ToInt32(object value);    
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public long ToInt64(object value);   
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public sbyte ToSByte(object value);  
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public float ToSingle(object value); 
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public string ToString(object value);
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public ushort ToUInt16(object value);
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public uint ToUInt32(object value);  
// implements IFormatterConverter
   public ulong ToUInt64(object value); 
// implements IFormatterConverter
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