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In this chapter, we have shown you an enterprise application architecture that can be used to ensure scalable and robust applications. We have talked about patterns and demonstrated how Web services fit into the suggested architecture. The internal structure of an enterprise application is of high important, and therefore we included a section on coding conventions that can be used in real projects. We also talked about general exception handling and memory management that can make enterprise applications even more robust.

Finally, we introduced you to two different content management systems and compared them to each other. The use of a content management system can boost the development time of a content-based enterprise application and give developers time to focus on the business-critical parts in the application instead of spending time on the boring tasks that the content management system can handle for them.

In Chapter 9, we will implement an example application based on this architecture to show how it looks in reality. We think this is the best way for you to really learn how to use the enterprise application architecture we outlined in this chapter.

Team LiB
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