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XmlAttributeSystem.Xml (system.xml.dll) CF 1.0  class 

public class XmlAttribute : XmlNode {
// Protected Constructors
   protected internal XmlAttribute( string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, XmlDocument doc);  
// Public Instance Properties
   public override string BaseURI{get; }                              // overrides XmlNode
   public override string InnerText{set; get; }                       // overrides XmlNode
   public override string InnerXml{set; get; }                        // overrides XmlNode
   public override string LocalName{get; }                            // overrides XmlNode
   public override string Name{get; }                                 // overrides XmlNode
   public override string NamespaceURI{get; }                         // overrides XmlNode
   public override XmlNodeType NodeType{get; }                        // overrides XmlNode
   public override XmlDocument OwnerDocument{get; }                   // overrides XmlNode
   public virtual XmlElement OwnerElement{get; } 
   public override XmlNode ParentNode{get; }                          // overrides XmlNode
   public override string Prefix{set; get; }                          // overrides XmlNode
   public virtual bool Specified{get; } 
   public override string Value{set; get; }                           // overrides XmlNode
// Public Instance Methods
   public override XmlNode CloneNode( bool deep);                     // overrides XmlNode
   public override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w);                 // overrides XmlNode
   public override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w);                        // overrides XmlNode

This class represents a single attribute of an element. The OwnerElement property returns the element node that contains this attribute. The Specified property indicates if the value was explicitly set or if a default value was used.


System.Object XmlNode(System.ICloneable, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable) XmlAttribute

Returned By

XmlAttributeCollection.{Append( ), InsertAfter( ), InsertBefore( ), Prepend( ), Remove( ), RemoveAt( ), this}, XmlDocument.CreateAttribute( ), XmlElement.{GetAttributeNode( ), RemoveAttributeNode( ), SetAttributeNode( )}

Passed To

XmlAttributeCollection.{Append( ), CopyTo( ), InsertAfter( ), InsertBefore( ), Prepend( ), Remove( )}, XmlElement.{RemoveAttributeNode( ), SetAttributeNode( )}

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