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XmlSchemaContentProcessingSystem.Xml.Schema (system.xml.dll) serializable enum 

public enum XmlSchemaContentProcessing {
   None = 0,
   Skip = 1,
   Lax = 2,
   Strict = 3

This enumeration is used to specify the value of the processContents attribute in xs:any and xs:anyAttribute schema elements. Its value indicates how the content of the element or attribute is validated. When set to Lax, the validator will validate any items it can find definitions for, and skip the rest; the ValidationEventHandler will be called with a severity of XmlSeverityType.Warning to notify the client of any skipped items. When set to None, the items will not be validated at all. When set to Skip, the items will be checked for well-formedness but will not be validated; the ValidationEventHandler will be called with a severity of XmlSeverityType.Warning to notify the client that no validation was performed. When set to Strict, the items will be validated. In any case, if validation fails, the ValidationEventHandler will be called with an appropriate severity to notify the client of the error. If no ValidationEventHandler is assigned, an XmlSchemaException will be thrown.


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) XmlSchemaContentProcessing

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