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XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtensionSystem.Xml.Schema (system.xml.dll)    class 

public class XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension : XmlSchemaContent {
// Public Constructors
   public XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension( );  
// Public Instance Properties
   public XmlSchemaAnyAttribute AnyAttribute{set; get; } 
   public XmlSchemaObjectCollection Attributes{get; } 
   public XmlQualifiedName BaseTypeName{set; get; } 

This type is the subclass of XmlSchemaContent that represents the XML Schema xs:extension element for simple content. This element is used to extend a simple type or complex type with simple content into a complex type with simple content, by adding attributes. The BaseTypeName property is used to access the System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName of the type being extended, and the Attributes property returns an XmlSchemaObjectCollection of attributes as XmlSchemaAttributes and XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRefs.


System.Object XmlSchemaObject XmlSchemaAnnotated XmlSchemaContent XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension

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