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Chapter 12 Quick Reference


Do this

Create a derived class from a base class

Declare the new class name followed by a colon and the name of the base class. For example:

class Derived : Base 

Call a base class constructor

Supply a constructor parameter list before the body of the derived class constructor. For example:

class Derived : Base 
    public Derived(int x) : Base(x) 

Declare a virtual method

Use the virtual keyword when declaring the method. For example:

class Mammal 
    public virtual void Breathe() 

Declare an interface

Use the interface keyword. For example:

interface IDemo
    string Name();
    string Description(); 

Implement an interface

Declare a class using the same syntax as class inheritance, and then implement all the member functions of the interface. For example:

class Test : IDemo 
    public string IDemo.Name() 
    public string IDemo.Description()  

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