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Chapter 15 Quick Reference


Do This

Cache a page's output

Add the OutputCache directive to the page

Store multiple versions of a page based on varying query string parameters

Use the VaryByParam attribute of the OutputCache directive

Store multiple versions of a page based on varying headers

Use the VaryByHeader attribute of the OutputCache directive

Store multiple versions of a page based on varying browsers

Use the VaryByCustom attribute of the OutputCache directive, selecting “browser” as the value

Specify the location of the cached content

Specify the Location attribute in the OutputCache directive

Access caching attributes programmatically

Use the Cache property of the Response object, which is an instance of the HttpCachePolicy class

Offload output caching configuration to the Web.Config file

Add outputCacheProfile elements to your Web.Config file. Use them as necessary

Cache a User Control

Apply the OutputCache directive to the control's ASCX file

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