4.6.2 Infix Expressions

The rule to be used for a completely parenthesized infix expression is

1. Scan the infix expression from left to right.

2. When a "matched" pair of ''left" and "right" parentheses is encountered,

apply the operator to the operands enclosed within the pair of parentheses, and replace the paired parentheses and the contained operator and operands by the result. Continue scanning from this point.

One problem remains: How do we evaluate infix expressions that are not completely parenthesized? Recall that there are standard rules for interpreting infix expressions in this case. These rules are also incorporated in high-level languages. They are necessary because parentheses are not always available to signal what is to be done next. For example, if we evaluate

a + b * c/d

then when the * is encountered, the stacks appear as

Operand Stack     Operator Stack


      b                 +


The operator * signals that, had the expressions been completely parenthesized, a left parenthesis would have occurred just before the b, or else a right parenthesis would have occurred just after the b. In other words, the appearance of the operator requires a decision as to whether b should be considered an operand of *or an operand of +. The standard rules resolve such ambiguities by assigning priorities or precedence values to operators, assuming a left-to-right scan of the expression. For the binary operators, +, -, *, /, and ** (for exponentiation), the priorities are as follows:

1. Exponentiation (**) has the highest priority.

2. Multiplication and division (*, /) have the same priority, which is higher than that of addition or subtraction (+, -).

3. Addition and subtraction (+, -) have the same priority.

A left parenthesis also needs a priority, the lowest.

Whether b is an operand of * or + can then be resolved by taking b as an operand of the highest priority operator (* in this case). Again, parentheses may be used to override priorities. For example, in

(a + b) * c/d

b is to be associated with the + operator.

Example 4.6

In order to see how any infix expression is evaluated using priorities, and to develop an algorithm for this evaluation, consider the expression,

a + (b * c/d ** e) *f n

To evaluate it, when the first * is encountered the situation will be

Operand Stack      Operator Stack


     b                   (

     a                   +

In this case, since the left parenthesis is on top of the operator stack, the * should be placed on top of the operator stack, and scanning continued. After c, division(/) is encountered and the stacks become

Operand Stack      Operator Stack


      c                  *

      b                  (

      a                  +

At this point a decision must be made with respect to c: either it is to be associated with * (at the top of the stack) or with / (the current operator being processed). The standard rules associate c with the operator of highest priority. In this case, since * and / have equal priorities, associate c with the leftmost of the two operators in the input?/FONT>that is, the top stack operator. Thus, the * must be popped, c and b must be popped, the * must be applied to b and c, and the result, (b * c), placed on top of the operand stack. Then the / must be placed on the operator stack. Had the current operator been of higher priority (say, **), then the current operator should simply be placed on the operator stack.

In the example, after / and d are processed, the stacks are as follows:

Operand Stack      Operator Stack


      d                  /

   (b * c)               (

      a                  +

The ** becomes the current operator, and d must be associated with it or with /. Since ** has higher priority, place it on the operator stack; the result after processing e is

Operand Stack      Operator Stack


      e                  **

      d                  /

   (b * c)               (

      a                  +

The current input character being scanned is now a right parenthesis. This "matches" the topmost left parenthesis on the stack. The next steps are to pop the operator stack; pop the operand stack to obtain the top two operands; apply **to them, and place the result back on the top of the operand stack. Then pop the operator stack; pop the operand stack to obtain the top two operands; apply / to them and place the result back on top of the operand stack; pop the stack again; and notice that a left parenthesis has appeared, signaling completion of the process for the current input character. The result is

 Operand Stack       Operator Stack


((b * c)/(d ** e))         +


Finally, the last * is processed. It has higher priority than +, so it is placed on the operator stack. f is then processed and placed on the operand stack, yielding

 Operand Stack        Operator Stack


       f                    *

((b * c)/(d ** e))          +


Since the input is exhausted, the final steps are, for each remaining operator on the operator stack, to pop the operator stack, remove the required number of top operands from the operand stack, apply the operator, and place the result back on top of the operand stack. The final result appears at the top of the operand stack.

The algorithm for the evaluation of any infix expression can now be written. The algorithm, which follows, assumes that a character, when read, will be an entire operand or operator. This means, for example, that ** should be interpreted as a "character." The algorithm returns the value of the expression in evaluate.

1. Initialize the operand stack to empty.

2. Initialize the operator stack to empty.

3. While there is another input character,

read the current character

if the current character is "(", then

push it on the operator stack;

else if the current character is an operand, then

push it on the operand stack;

else if the current character is an operator, then

if the operator stack is not empty, then

if the current character does not have greater priority than the top

operator stack character, then

pop the operator stack, remove the required number of operands

from the operand stack, apply the operator to them, and push the

result on the operand stack

push the current character onto the operator stack

else if the current character is ")", then

pop the operator stack and set topchar to the popped value

while topchar is not (

remove the number of operands required by topchar from the operand

stack, apply topchar to them, and

push the result onto the operand stack

pop the operator stack and set topchar to the popped value

4.While the operator stack is not empty,

pop the operator stack, remove the required number of operands from the

operand stack, apply the operator to them, and push the result on the operand


5.Pop the operand stack and set evaluate to the popped value

Notice that the evaluation of an infix expression requires two stacks rather than the one stack required for the evaluation of a postfix expression. Other operators may be introduced and given appropriate priorities. For example, the assignment operator, =, would be given a higher priority than **.