5.3: Stable Marriages

As a second example of file modularization, consider the stable marriage program of Section 2.5.2. That program is structured with the data abstractions pairings, with its operations mate, read_mens_mates, and create_womens_mates placed together, and preferences, with its operations mostpreferred, nextpreferred, prefers, read_preferences, and create_priorities also placed together. Grouping each data abstraction facilitates finding its data structures, function declarations, and definitions, whenever modifications to them are required. Such changes will not necessitate changing any other part of the program, since it was written treating pairings and preferences as data abstractions. Also, changes to one data abstraction do not require changes in the other. The program in Section 2.5.2 is written as a single source file. We now place the two data abstractions in modules. The modules and the program file structure of the program using file modularization are printed below. The headers, operations and program file are, respectively, pairings.h, pairings.c, preferences.h, preferences.c, and stablemarriages.c.

The File pairings.h

/* header for pairings */

#define MAXN 50

typedef int mates[MAXN];

extern mate(/* int, pairings */);

/* Returns the mate of person int */

extern read_mens_mates(* int, pairings */);

/* Reads the mates of the men(int of them)

into pairings


extern create_womens_mates(/* int,pairings_1,pairings_2 */);

/* Creates the pairings_2 of the

men(int of them), based on

the mens' mates specified by



The File pairings.c

/* operations allowed on pairings */


#include "pairings.h"

mate (person,pairs)

/* Returns persons mate

as specified by pairs */

int person;

pairings pairs;





/* Reads the n wives into pairs */

int n;

pairings pairs;


int i;

printf("\n mpairs = ? \n");

for (i=1;i <=n;i++)




/* Pairs 1 specifies the n wives, one

for each man. Pairs2 is set to

specify the n men, one for each woman.


int n;

pairings pair;


int i,j;

for (i=1;i<=n;i++)


for (j=1;pairs1[j] != i;j++)


pairs2 [i] = j;



The File preferences.h

/* header file for preferences */

#define MAXN 50

typedef int preferences[MAXN][MAXN];

extern mostpreferred(/* int,preferences */);

/* Returns the mate most preferred by 

person int as specified by pref */

extern nextpreferred(/* int_1,int_2,pref */);

/* Returns the mate preferred most, after

the mate given by index int_2, by person

int_1 as specified by pref 


extern prefers(/* int_1,int_2,int_3,pref */);

/* Returns true if individual int_1 prefers 

person int_2 to individualsmate int_3

as specified by pref 


extern read_preferences(/* int,pref */);

/* Reads int number of rows of

preferences into pref


extern create_priorities(/* int,pref_1,pref_2 */);

/* Creates int number of individual

priorities in pref_2 based on the

individual preferences specified

by pref_1


The File preferences.c

/* operations allowed on preferences */


#include "preferences.h"

mostpreferred (person,pref)

/* Returns the mate most preferred by

person as specified by pref */

int person;

preferences pref;





/* Returns the mate preferred most, after

the mate given by index, by person

as specified by pref


int person,index;

preferences pref;





/* Returns true if individual prefers person to

individuals mate as specified by priority


int individual,person,individualsmate;

preferences priority;


return(priority[individual][person] <

priority [individual] [individualsmate]);


read_preferences (n,pref)

/* Reads n rows of

preferences into pref


int n;

preferences pref;


int i,j;

for (i=1;i<=n;i++)

for (j=1;j<=n;j++)

scanf ("%d",&pref[i][j]);


create_priorities(n, pref, priority)

/* Creates n individual priorities

in priority based on the

individual preferences specified

by pref


int n;

preferences pref,priority;


int i,j;

for (i=1,i<=n;i++)

for (j=1;j<=n;j++)

priority[i][pref[i][j]] = j;


The File stablemarriages.c

#include <stdio.h>


#include "pairings.h"


#include "preferences.h"

#define TRUE 1

#define FALSE 0



pairings mpairs,wpairs;

preferences mpref,wpref,mpriority,wpriority;

int i,j,n;

printf("\n n = ?\n");




printf("\n Enter mens preferences \n");


printf("\n Enter womens preferences \n");




if (stabilitycheck(n,mpairs,wpairs,mpref,wpref,mpriority,


printf(" The pairings are stable \n");


printf(" The pairings are not stable \n");

printf(" The pairings are: \n");

printf(" man wife \n");

for (i=1;i<=n;i++)

printf("%d %d \n",i,mate (i,mpairs));



int n;

pairings mpairs,wpairs

preferences mpref,wpref,mpriority,wpriority;


int man,wife,individual,individualsmate,index,stable;

stable = TRUE;

for(man=1;(stable && man<=n);man++)


wife = mate(man,mpairs);

individual = mostpreferred(man,mpref);

index = 1;

while (stable && (individual != wife))


individualsmate = mate(individual, wpairs);



stable = FALSE;




individual = nextpreferred(man,index,mpref);



individual = mostpreferred(wife,wpref);

index = 1;

while(stable && (individual != man))


individualsmate = mate(individual,mpairs);



stable = FALSE;




individual = nextpreferred(wife,index,wpref);






The include "pairings.h" and include "preferences.h" were put at the top of the program file because their contents are needed from that point in the file. In the program file for primestest.c, the include "collection.h" appears just before the primes function, since its contents are only needed from that point on in the file.

The files pairings.c, preferences.c, and stablemarriages.c can be compiled separately. To run stable marriages.c, they must first all be linked by the linker.

Any time changes are made in pairings.h, the files pairings.c and stablemarriages.c must be recompiled. Changes in pairings.c also require that pairings.c be recompiled . The same applies for preferences.h and preferences.c. However, changes to only one of pairings.c, preferences.c, or stablemarriages.c require only its individual recompilation. Relinking is always required before execution.