8.8: Synopsis of Search and Sort Efficiencies

We have consistently viewed the record as the basic unit of data. Collections of records usually appear in problems, and their processing typically reduces to traversing through the records of the collection, inserting or deleting records, randomly accessing records, accessing records in sorted order, or searching the collection for a given record. The basic data structures are available for storage of the collection, and each supports some operations well at the expense of others. Arrays are excellent for random access and traversal but poor for general insertions and deletions. Lists support traversal, insertions, and deletions well but are poor for random access.

Linear searches of arrays and binary searches of sorted arrays can be performed, respectively, in O(n) and O(1g n) time. Under special conditions, linear searches can be fast.

Simple sorting algorithms such as the bubble and insertion sort have worst-case time O(n2) but are O(n) when dealing with almost sorted data. Quicksort gives very fast average times and heapsort does sorting in worst-case time O(n 1g n).

Table 8.1 Simulation Results in Actual Execution Time (milliseconds)*

 n    Bubble Sort                        Insertion Sort                     Modified Insertion Sort


 10    1       2       6       8      9     1      2      5      7      7     0     2       4      6      9

 20    1       8      23      33     36     1      5     16     28     30     1     6      17     25     30

 40    2      31     101     138    148     2     16     67    110    121     5    16      65    107    120

100    4     217     646     863    923     7     89    412    678    761     6    87     402    660    744

200    8     966    2653    3463   3724    12    364   1657   2706   3058    11   354    1612   2639   2993

400   17    3933   11277   14732  15858    24   1583   7645  12489  14595    20  1373    6352  10581  12157


     srt'd  half   rnd'm    half   rev    srt'd  half   rnd'm  half    rev   srtd  half   rndm   half   rev

            srt'd           rev   srt'd         srt'd          rev   srt'd        srt'd          rev  srt'd

             half          srt'd                 half         srt'd                half         srt'd

            rnd'm          half                 rnd'm         half                rnd'm          half

                           rnd'm                              rnd'm                            rnd'm

 n    Heapsort                          Iterative Quicksort                  Recursive Quicksort


 10     9      9      8      8      7     10      9     9      8     10      5     5      3      3      4

 20    18     19     18     18     15     21     19    15     17     23     13    11     10     11     14

 40    43     43     41     40     37     51     47    33     38     55     35    31     21     25     36

100   130    126    122    119    115    196    171    94    106    202    156   133     65     74    158

200   291    282    277    264    256    626    521   202    231    633    581   484    149    169    602

400   640    624    610    587    572   2175   1750   432    492   2195   2042  1644    318    372   2056


    srt'd   half  rnd'm    half    rev  srt'd   half  rnd'm   half   rev   srtd   half   rndm   half   rev

           srt'd           rev    srt'd        srt'd          rev   srt'd        srt'd          rev  srt'd

            half          srt'd                 half         srt'd                half         srt'd

           rnd'm           half                rnd'm          half               rnd'm          half

                          rnd'm                              rnd'm                             rnd'm


* These results were produced by Sharon Doherty.

It is important to recognize that in this chapter we have been considering comparative searches and sorts. This means that we have assumed no special knowledge of the key values involved and have used only comparisons between key values in each search or sort algorithm. It is possible to prove that such searches and sorts have worst-case times O(lg n) and O(n lg n), respectively.

Other kinds of search and sort algorithms are possible. Some may take significantly less time. For example, suppose you must sort n distinct keys whose values are known to be integers between 1 and 1,000. Simply store the record with key value i as the ith record in an array of records. This places the records in the array in (decreasing) sorted order and takes O(n) time. Sorts that place records in groups, depending on their actual key values, and then attempt to sort further within the groups, are called distributive sorts. These are not considered in this text. We will, however, consider a very important noncomparative search in Section 9.3.

Simulation is a basic tool for the analysis of the storage and timing requirements of algorithms although we have used it only for analyzing sorts.

As searching as this chapter may have been, it is hoped that it didn't leave you out of sorts!