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Item 1. Iterators

Difficulty: 7

Every programmer who uses the standard library has to be aware of these common and not-so-common iterator mistakes. How many of them can you find?

The following program has at least four iterator-related problems. How many can you find?

int main() 


  vector<Date> e;

  copy( istream_iterator<Date>( cin ),


        back_inserter( e ) );

  vector<Date>::iterator first =

        find( e.begin(), e.end(), "01/01/95" );

  vector<Date>::iterator last =

        find( e.begin(), e.end(), "12/31/95" );

  *last = "12/30/95";

  copy( first,


        ostream_iterator<Date>( cout, "\n" ) );

  e.insert( --e.end(), TodaysDate() );

  copy( first,


        ostream_iterator<Date>( cout, "\n" ) );


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