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This implementation of Stack is only slightly different from the last. For example, Count() returns impl_.vused_ instead of just an inherited vused_.

Here's the complete code:

template <class T> 

class Stack



  Stack(size_t size=0)

    : impl_(size)



  Stack(const Stack& other)

    : impl_(other.impl_.vused_)


    while( impl_.vused_ < other.impl_.vused_ )


      construct( impl_.v_+impl_.vused_,

                 other.impl_.v_[impl_.vused_] );




  Stack& operator=(const Stack& other)


    Stack temp(other);

    impl_.Swap(temp.impl_); // this can't throw

    return *this;


  size_t Count() const


    return impl_.vused_;


  void Push( const T& t )


    if( impl_.vused_ == impl_.vsize_ )


      Stack temp( impl_.vsize_*2+1 );

      while( temp.Count() < impl_.vused_ )


        temp.Push( impl_.v_[temp.Count()] );


      temp.Push( t );

      impl_.Swap( temp.impl_ );




      construct( impl_.v_+impl_.vused_, t );




  T& Top()


    if( impl_.vused_ == 0 )


      throw "empty stack";


    return impl_.v_[impl_.vused_-1];


  void Pop()


    if( impl_.vused_ == 0 )


      throw "pop from empty stack";





      destroy( impl_.v_+impl_.vused_ );




  StackImpl<T> impl_; // private implementation


Whew. That's a lot of impl_'s. Which brings us to the final question in this miniseries.

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