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Item 27. Minimizing Compile-time Dependencies桺art 2

Difficulty: 6

Now that the unnecessary headers have been removed, it's time for Phase 2: How can you limit dependencies on the internals of a class?

Below is how the header from Item 26 looks after the initial clean-up pass. What further #includes could be removed if we made some suitable changes, and how?

This time, you may make changes to X as long as X's base classes and its public interface remain unchanged; any current code that already uses X should not be affected beyond requiring a simple recompilation.

//  x.h: sans gratuitous headers 


#include <iosfwd>

#include <list>

// None of A, B, C or D are templates.

// Only A and C have virtual functions.

#include "a.h"  // class A

#include "b.h"  // class B

#include "c.h"  // class C

#include "d.h"  // class D

class E;

class X : public A, private B



     X( const C& );

  B  f( int, char* );

  C  f( int, C );

  C& g( B );

  E  h( E );

  virtual std::ostream& print( std::ostream& ) const;


  std::list<C> clist_;

  D            d_;


inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const X& x )


  return x.print(os);


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