
Winsock is the lowest level Windows API for TCP/IP programming. Part of the code is located in wsock32.dll (the exported functions that your program calls), and part is inside the Windows kernel. You can write both internet server programs and internet client programs using the Winsock API. This API is based on the original Berkely Sockets API for UNIX. A new and much more complex version, Winsock 2, is included for the first time with Windows NT 4.0, but we'll stick with the old version because it's the current standard for both Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Winsock Programming

Winsock was introduced first for Win16, which did not support multithreading. Consequently, most developers used Winsock in the asynchronous mode. In that mode, all sorts of hidden windows and PeekMessage calls enabled single-threaded programs to make Winsock send and receive calls without blocking, thus keeping the user interface (UI) alive. Asynchronous Winsock programs were complex, often implementing "state machines" that processed callback functions, trying to figure out what to do next based on what had just happened. Well, we're not in 16-bit land anymore, so we can do modern multithreaded programming. If this scares you, go back and review Chapter 12. Once you get used to multithreaded programming, you'll love it.

In this chapter, we will make the most of our Winsock calls from worker threads so that the program's main thread is able to carry on with the UI. The worker threads contain nice, sequential logic consisting of blocking Winsock calls.

The MFC Winsock Classes

We try to use MFC classes where it makes sense to use them, but the MFC developers informed us that the CAsyncSocket and CSocket classes were not appropriate for 32-bit synchronous programming. The Visual C++ online help says you can use CSocket for synchronous programming, but if you look at the source code you'll see some ugly message-based code left over from Win16.

The Blocking Socket Classes

Since we couldn't use MFC, we had to write our own Winsock classes. CBlockingSocket is a thin wrapping of the Winsock API, designed only for synchronous use in a worker thread. The only fancy features are exception-throwing on errors and time-outs for sending and receiving data. The exceptions help you write cleaner code because you don't need to have error tests after every Winsock call. The time-outs (implemented with the Winsock select function) prevent a communication fault from blocking a thread indefinitely.

CHttpBlockingSocket is derived from CBlockingSocket and provides functions for reading HTTP data. CSockAddr and CBlockingSocketException are helper classes.

The CSockAddr Helper Class

Many Winsock functions take socket address parameters. As you might remember, a socket address consists of a 32-bit IP address plus a 16-bit port number. The actual Winsock type is a 16-byte sockaddr_in structure, which looks like this:

struct sockaddr_in {
    short   sin_family;
    u_short sin_port;
    struct  in_addr sin_addr;
    char    sin_zero[8];

The IP address is stored as type in_addr, which looks like this:

struct in_addr {
    union {
        struct { u_char s_b1,s_b2,s_b3,s_b4; } S_un_b;
        struct { u_short s_w1,s_w2; } S_un_w;
        u_long S_addr;
    } S_un;

These are ugly structures, so we'll derive a programmer-friendly C++ class from sockaddr_in. The file \vcpp32\ex34a\Blocksock.h on the CD-ROM contains the following code for doing this, with inline functions included:

class CSockAddr : public sockaddr_in {
    // constructors
        sin_family = AF_INET;
        sin_port = 0;
        sin_addr.s_addr = 0; 
    } // Default
    CSockAddr(const SOCKADDR& sa) { memcpy(this, &sa,
        sizeof(SOCKADDR)); }
    CSockAddr(const SOCKADDR_IN& sin) { memcpy(this, &sin,
        sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); }
    CSockAddr(const ULONG ulAddr, const USHORT ushPort = 0)
    // parms are host byte ordered
        sin_family = AF_INET;
        sin_port = htons(ushPort);
        sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ulAddr); 
    CSockAddr(const char* pchIP, const USHORT ushPort = 0)  
    // dotted IP addr string
        sin_family = AF_INET;
        sin_port = htons(ushPort);
        sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(pchIP); 
    } // already network byte ordered
    // Return the address in dotted-decimal format
    CString DottedDecimal()
        { return inet_ntoa(sin_addr); } 
    // constructs a new CString object
    // Get port and address (even though they're public)
    USHORT Port() const
        { return ntohs(sin_port); }
    ULONG IPAddr() const
        { return ntohl(sin_addr.s_addr); }
    // operators added for efficiency
    const CSockAddr& operator=(const SOCKADDR& sa)
        memcpy(this, &sa, sizeof(SOCKADDR));
        return *this; 
    const CSockAddr& operator=(const SOCKADDR_IN& sin)
        memcpy(this, &sin, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
        return *this; 
    operator SOCKADDR()
        { return *((LPSOCKADDR) this); }
    operator LPSOCKADDR()
        { return (LPSOCKADDR) this; }
    operator LPSOCKADDR_IN()
        { return (LPSOCKADDR_IN) this; }

As you can see, this class has some useful constructors and conversion operators, which make the CSockAddr object interchangeable with the type sockaddr_in and the equivalent types SOCKADDR_IN, sockaddr, and SOCKADDR. There's a constructor and a member function for IP addresses in dotted-decimal format. The internal socket address is in network byte order, but the member functions all use host byte order parameters and return values. The Winsock functions htonl, htons, ntohs, and ntohl take care of the conversions between network and host byte order.

The CBlockingSocketException Class

All the CBlockingSocket functions throw a CBlockingSocketException object when Winsock returns an error. This class is derived from the MFC CException class and thus overrides the GetErrorMessage function. This function gives the Winsock error number and a character string that CBlockingSocket provided when it threw the exception.

The CBlockingSocket Class

Figure 34-9 shows an excerpt from the header file for the CBlockingSocket class.


class CBlockingSocket : public CObject
    SOCKET m_hSocket;
    CBlockingSocket();  { m_hSocket = NULL; }
    void Cleanup();
    void Create(int nType = SOCK_STREAM);
    void Close();
    void Bind(LPCSOCKADDR psa);
    void Listen();
    void Connect(LPCSOCKADDR psa);
    BOOL Accept(CBlockingSocket& s, LPCSOCKADDR psa);
    int Send(const char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);
    int Write(const char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);
    int Receive(char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);
    int SendDatagram(const char* pch, const int nSize, LPCSOCKADDR psa,
        const int nSecs);
    int ReceiveDatagram(char* pch, const int nSize, LPCSOCKADDR psa,
        const int nSecs);
    void GetPeerAddr(LPCSOCKADDR psa);
    void GetSockAddr(LPCSOCKADDR psa);
    static CSockAddr GetHostByName(const char* pchName,
        const USHORT ushPort = 0);
    static const char* GetHostByAddr(LPCSOCKADDR psa);
    operator SOCKET();
        { return m_hSocket; }

Figure 34-9. Excerpt from the header file for the CBlockingSocketclass.

Following is a list of the CBlockingSocket member functions, starting with the constructor:

nTypeType of socket; should be SOCK_STREAM (the default value) or SOCK_DGRAM

psaA CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr

sA reference to an existing CBlockingSocket object for which Create has not been called
psaA CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr for the connecting socket's address
Return valueTRUE if successful
psaA CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr
pchA pointer to a buffer that contains the bytes to send
nSizeThe size (in bytes) of the block to send
nSecsTime-out value in seconds
Return valueThe actual number of bytes sent
pchA pointer to a buffer that contains the bytes to send
nSizeThe size (in bytes) of the block to send
nSecsTime-out value in seconds
Return valueThe actual number of bytes sent
pchA pointer to an existing buffer that will receive the incoming bytes
nSizeThe maximum number of bytes to receive
nSecsTime-out value in seconds
Return valueThe actual number of bytes received
pchA pointer to a buffer that contains the bytes to send
nSizeThe size (in bytes) of the block to send
psaThe datagram's destination address; a CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr
nSecsTime-out value in seconds
Return valueThe actual number of bytes sent
pchA pointer to an existing buffer that will receive the incoming bytes
nSizeThe size (in bytes) of the block to send
psaThe datagram's destination address; a CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr
nSecsTime-out value in seconds
Return valueThe actual number of bytes received
psaA CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr
psaA CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr
pchNameA pointer to a character array containing the host name to resolve
ushPortThe port number (default value 0) that will become part of the returned socket address
Return valueThe socket address containing the IP address from the DNS plus the port number ushPort
psaA CSockAddr object or a pointer to a variable of type sockaddr
Return valueA pointer to a character array containing the host name; the caller should not delete this memory

The CHttpBlockingSocket Class

If you call CBlockingSocket::Receive, you'll have a difficult time knowing when to stop receiving bytes. Each call returns the bytes that are stacked up at your end of the connection at that instant. If there are no bytes, the call blocks, but if the sender closed the socket, the call returns zero bytes.

In the HTTP section, you learned that the client sends a request terminated by a blank line. The server is supposed to send the response headers and data as soon as it detects the blank line, but the client needs to analyze the response headers before it reads the data. This means that as long as a TCP connection remains open, the receiving program must process the received data as it comes in. A simple but inefficient technique would be to call Receive for 1 byte at a time. A better way is to use a buffer.

The CHttpBlockingSocket class adds buffering to CBlockingSocket, and it provides two new member functions. Here is part of the \vcpp32\ex34A\Blocksock.h file:

class CHttpBlockingSocket : public CBlockingSocket
    enum {nSizeRecv = 1000}; // max receive buffer size (> hdr line
                             //  length)
    int ReadHttpHeaderLine(char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);
    int ReadHttpResponse(char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);
    char* m_pReadBuf; // read buffer
    int m_nReadBuf; // number of bytes in the read buffer

The constructor and destructor take care of allocating and freeing a 1000-character buffer. The two new member functions are as follows:

pchA pointer to an existing buffer that will receive the incoming line (zero-terminated)
nSizeThe size of the pch buffer
nSecsTime-out value in seconds
Return valueThe actual number of bytes received, excluding the terminating zero
pchA pointer to an existing buffer that will receive the incoming data
nSizeThe maximum number of bytes to receive
nSecsTime-out value in seconds
Return valueThe actual number of bytes received

A Simplified HTTP Server Program

Now it's time to use the blocking socket classes to write an HTTP server program. All the frills have been eliminated, but the code actually works with a browser. This server doesn't do much except return some hard-coded headers and HTML statements in response to any GET request. (See the EX34A program later in this chapter for a more complete HTTP server.)

Initializing Winsock

Before making any Winsock calls, the program must initialize the Winsock library. The following statements in the application's InitInstance member function do the job:

WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsd);

Starting the Server

The server starts in response to some user action, such as a menu choice. Here's the command handler:

CBlockingSocket g_sListen; // one-and-only global socket for listening
void CSocketView::OnInternetStartServer() 
    try {
        CSockAddr saServer(INADDR_ANY, 80);
        AfxBeginThread(ServerThreadProc, GetSafeHwnd());
    catch(CBlockingSocketException* e) {
        // Do something about the exception

Pretty simple, really. The handler creates a socket, starts listening on it, and then starts a worker thread that waits for some client to connect to port 80. If something goes wrong, an exception is thrown. The global g_sListen object lasts for the life of the program and is capable of accepting multiple simultaneous connections, each managed by a separate thread.

The Server Thread

Now let's look at the ServerThreadProc function:

UINT ServerThreadProc(LPVOID pParam)
    CSockAddr saClient;
    CHttpBlockingSocket sConnect;
    char request[100];
    char headers[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
        "Server: Inside Visual C++ SOCK01\r\n"
        "Date: Thu, 05 Sep 1996 17:33:12 GMT\r\n"
        "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
        "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"
        "Content-Length: 187\r\n"
        "\r\n"; // the important blank line
    char html[] =
        "<html><head><title>Inside Visual C++ Server</title></head>\r\n"
        "<body><body background=\"/samples/images/usa1.jpg\">\r\n"
        "<h1><center>This is a custom home page</center></h1><p>\r\n"
    try {
        if(!g_sListen.Accept(sConnect, saClient)) {
            // Handler in view class closed the listening socket
            return 0;
        AfxBeginThread(ServerThreadProc, pParam);
        // read request from client
        sConnect.ReadHttpHeaderLine(request, 100, 10);
        TRACE("SERVER: %s", request); // Print the first header
        if(strnicmp(request, "GET", 3) == 0) {
            do { // Process the remaining request headers
                sConnect.ReadHttpHeaderLine(request, 100, 10);
                TRACE("SERVER: %s", request); // Print the other headers
            } while(strcmp(request, "\r\n"));
            sConnect.Write(headers, strlen(headers), 10); // response hdrs
            sConnect.Write(html, strlen(html), 10); // HTML code
        else {
            TRACE("SERVER: not a GET\n");
            // don't know what to do
        sConnect.Close(); // Destructor doesn't close it
    catch(CBlockingSocketException* e) {
        // Do something about the exception
    return 0;

The most important function call is the Accept call. The thread blocks until a client connects to the server's port 80, and then Accept returns with a new socket, sConnect. The current thread immediately starts another thread.

In the meantime, the current thread must process the client's request that just came in on sConnect. It first reads all the request headers by calling ReadHttpHeaderLine until it detects a blank line. Then it calls Write to send the response headers and the HTML statements. Finally, the current thread calls Close to close the connection socket. End of story for this connection. The next thread is sitting, blocked at the Accept call, waiting for the next connection.

Cleaning Up

To avoid a memory leak on exit, the program must ensure that all worker threads have been terminated. The simplest way to do this is to close the listening socket. This forces any thread's pending Accept to return FALSE, causing the thread to exit.

try {
    Sleep(340); // Wait for thread to exit
    WSACleanup(); // Terminate Winsock
catch(CUserException* e) {

A problem might arise if a thread were in the process of fulfilling a client request. In that case, the main thread should positively ensure that all threads have terminated before exiting.

A Simplified HTTP Client Program

Now for the client side of the story—a simple working program that does a blind GET request. When a server receives a GET request with a slash, as shown below, it's supposed to deliver its default HTML file:

GET / HTTP/1.0

If you typed in a browser, the browser sends the blind GET request.

This client program can use the same CHttpBlockingSocket class you've already seen, and it must initialize Winsock the same way the server did. A command handler simply starts a client thread with a call like this:

AfxBeginThread(ClientSocketThreadProc, GetSafeHwnd());

Here's the client thread code:

CString g_strServerName = "localhost"; // or some other host name
UINT ClientSocketThreadProc(LPVOID pParam)
    CHttpBlockingSocket sClient;
    char* buffer = new char[MAXBUF];
    int nBytesReceived = 0;
    char request[] = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    char headers[] = // Request headers
        "User-Agent: Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; U; 32bit)\r\n"
        "Accept: */*\r\n"
        "Accept: image/gif\r\n"
        "Accept: image/x-xbitmap\r\n"
        "Accept: image/jpeg\r\n"
        "\r\n"; // need this
    CSockAddr saServer, saClient;
    try {
        saServer = CBlockingSocket::GetHostByName(g_strServerName, 80);
        sClient.Write(request, strlen(request), 10);
        sClient.Write(headers, strlen(headers), 10);
        do { // Read all the server's response headers
            nBytesReceived = sClient.ReadHttpHeaderLine(buffer, 100, 10);
        } while(strcmp(buffer, "\r\n")); // through the first blank line
        nBytesReceived = sClient.ReadHttpResponse(buffer, 100, 10);
        if(nBytesReceived == 0) {
            AfxMessageBox("No response received");
        else {
            buffer[nBytesReceived] = `\0';
    catch(CBlockingSocketException* e) {
        // Log the exception
    delete [] buffer;
    return 0; // The thread exits

This thread first calls CBlockingSocket::GetHostByName to get the server computer's IP address. Then it creates a socket and calls Connect on that socket. Now there's a two-way communication channel to the server. The thread sends its GET request followed by some request headers, reads the server's response headers, and then reads the response file itself, which it assumes is a text file. After the thread displays the text in a message box, it exits.