OnRecalculateHyperlinks 事件



Private Sub expression_OnRecalculateHyperlinks(ByVal pWeb As Web, Cancel As Boolean)

expression  在类模块中以事件方式声明的 Application 类型的对象。

pWeb  包含视图的 WebEx 对象。

Cancel  Boolean 类型,确定事件是否会被取消。如果为 False,则事件不被取消。如果为 True,则事件被取消。



Private Sub objApp_OnRecalculateHyperlinks(ByVal pWeb As Web, Cancel As Boolean)
'Occurs when the current web's hyperlinks are recalculated.

    Dim strAns As String
    strAns = MsgBox("This action will cause the hyperlinks structure to be recalculated. " _
                     & "Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo)
    'Set value of Cancel argument to users' response
    If strAns = vbYes Then
        Cancel = False
        Cancel = True
    End If

End Sub