queryCommandIndeterm 方法


返回 Boolean 类型值,此值决定指定的命令是否将返回一不确定状态。不确定状态意味着此命令不能返回具有指定参数的二进制结果。例如,如果当前选择包含粗体和非粗体文本,则 Bold 命令将返回不确定状态。如果为 True,则命令将返回不确定结果。如果为 False,则命令将返回二进制结果。


expression  必选。返回 DispFPHTMLDocument 对象的表达式。

cmdID  必选。String 类型。代表指定命令的标识符。



Sub QueryCommand()
'Determines if a command will return an
'indeterminate state

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objDoc As DispFPHTMLDocument
    Dim strUser As String

    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objDoc = objApp.ActiveDocument
    'Prompt user to enter command name.
    strUser = InputBox("Enter a command identifier to be executed.")
    'Run the associated command

    If objDoc.queryCommandIndeterm(cmdID:=strUser) = True Then
        'If yes - display message.
        MsgBox "The command " & strUser & _
               " will return an indeterminate state."
        'If no - display message.
        MsgBox "The command " & strUser & _
               " will not return an indeterminate state."
    End If

End Sub