bgColor 属性


返回或设置代表当前网页背景色的 Variant 类型的值。可读写。


expression  必选。返回 DispFPHTMLDocument 对象的表达式。



Sub DocumentbgColor()
'Returns the active HTML document and changes color

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objDoc As DispFPHTMLDocument
    Dim objPgeWdw As PageWindowEx
    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    'Create reference to active page window.
    Set objPgeWdw = objApp.ActivePageWindow
    'Create reference to open document.
    Set objDoc = objPgeWdw.Document

    With objDoc
        'Display title and change background color
        MsgBox "The background color has changed for: " & .Title
        .bgColor = "000000"
    End With
End Sub